Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Question #242 Cuss Words (Just Let 'em Flow)

Today's question was recommended by Phil via the Very Serious Message Board:

What's the dirtiest word in the English language?

Literal translations (i.e., having to do with dirt, grime, etc) are discouraged.


Anonymous said...


philip said...

"twat". It's just a dirty word that I've never liked. I first heard it on an elementary school playground, probably from D. Joslin, I'm almost positive he learned it from his brother, who in turn learned it from an older kid he knew and so on and so on in a 1,000 year long game of telephone that goes back to Viking times, which is probably where the word comes from.

I wish that he'd have said "high class trim" instead cause that expression is awesome and would be a good name for a hair salon. I heard that in the UK it's a relatively innocous word but I'm not from there.

Not only would I not say the word in front of my mother, I wouldn't say it within a mile of her. Even writing it here was a bit of stretch. I know it's contradictory cause I've used many synonyms but that's how dirtiness is: totally subjective.

Joe said...

Its telling of our culture and prejudices that the dirtiest words are references to girl's "special bits". The c word, the t word, the v c word are all pretty ugly words when you hear them.

That being said, a popular sports talk host once claimed, in response to a news story that had broken, that the worst phrase in the english language was "plunger rape". I am inclined to agree with him that this probably the phrase that brings up the worst visual image.

On a side note I don't think plunger rape is the worst phrase in the english language, for that I agree with a close friend of mine: The worst phrase is "I'm ok with whatever; what do you want to eat?"

TLR said...

It might really say something about my mind and my worldview but all of the ones that I can think of are slang terms for female anatomy...

Fun bags
lady grave

Tiffany! said...

It's the c word; if you want to hear it used with full vehemence, feel free to come over to my house and piss off my downstairs neighbor.

(yes, all you smarties, I copy and pasted it from the message board.. It's midterms-time, so I need to get back to studying.)

Pete said...

In honor of primary day here in Texas, the dirtiest word in the English Language today is:


(Although along those lines it could also be Santorum.)

Donovan Baddley said...


just picture it....

Anonymous said...

mmmmhhh.... cumbucket... I want the goo to clog my throat...suffocate me.

But seriously, I want to be waterboarded by Phil, using a cumbucket. I know Phil would be into it...

viktor said...

is dirty the theme for today? uncle dirty and dirty words? i can't think of the dirtiest per se, but i can name a few that bother me.


i had to hyphenate them to make them real words. but now that i think about it, there is one word that bothers me a lot. it sucks because it's a topic in quantum mechanics and it's difficult for me to talk about it in the introductory chemistry classes for young adults. it's a legitimate word, but for some reason it embarrasses me completely. the word is penetration. penetration. blech...

Anonymous said...


Joe said...

It might also be something simple like "diarrhea" or "fart". These two words really gross me out for some reason. To me they are way worse than "cum sports drink" or "cum balloon" or the lyrics to "Blowjob Betty" or anything else cum- or vagin-ular.

Joe said...

I just re-read those lyrics and now I am offended.

blackviolet said...

I don't mind calling someone a pussy, but as said before, when referring to a "girl's bits," I find it detestable.

"Anal puke" is also pretty nasty. In every form.

Joe said...

I think "pussy" in ref to an afraid person is referring to a cat.

I am pretty sure that only recently has it had the more yonic implications.

alison said...

I think, "slash" or "gash" are highly offenses... the image of a dripping split comes to mind and makes me a bit queasy.

Queef, if another word that seems very dirty to me. At least the word attempts to be cute, however. And I suppose it’s better than saying "vagifart".

Jake said...

Time spent in the U.K. has made me pretty insensitive to the "C" and "T" words, and in fact I quite enjoy hearing them used to berate a person.

In Jamaica, I learned a new word for female genitalia: peepee-meat.