Question # 240 eVote
How do you feel about electronic voting?
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How do you feel about electronic voting?
asked by
Friday, February 29, 2008
I don't feel that much differently about it than I do about paper ballots. Both seem easy enough to manipulate. When you choose to vote, you kind of have to just put faith (or maybe hope is a more appropriate word) in the idea that things are on the up-and-up.
I am in favor of it. There are ways to do it that work very well but all the naysayers point out flaws as if our current system is perfect.
I think elections should generally be federalized and standardized, that election days should be national holidays to enable participation and that felons, having paid their debt to society, should be able to vote.
I can see the nostalgia for paper voting, and the environmental reasons for going electronic. Personally, I think that people are stupid and the same people who can't figure out paper voting will have problems with electronic, and there will still be problems with disenfranchised folks.
Me, I'm indifferent. As long as you don't tell me how to vote, I'm fine being told which method to use. And its generally not rocketscience, so whatev.
I don't know much about the security differences with both forms of voting, but it seems as though if the government sets up electronic voting right it would rule...It would be much easier and then there would be no more of this cnn telling us who they guess one what election...we would just know in like 5 seconds after the polls close...
Yeah I agree with Phil here is why:
With e-voting you get a company with many ties to one party making voting machines with no auditing of software nor any way to check on accuracy.
That way everybody wins!
Another thing that's rad is eliminating cash so all money can be turned off at the governments whim!
-Joe "Handmaid's tale sounds like a real cool future that I would like to live in" Martin
Phil is wrong. Fellons should never ever vote. They had their chance and they failed. I dont want their vote to dirty my election.
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