Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Question #224 US Presidents

Today's question is:

Who was/is the best US president and why?

Teddy R. doesn't count for the same reason that watching TV on DVD doesn't count. Please pick someone else.

[Edit: I added '/is' to the question in order to account for the soulless hordes. No offense intended if you are one of them. Sike.]


Anonymous said...

Bill Clinton, because he showed us how an immoral scumbag could still be likeable.

philip said...

Lyndon Johnson edges out FDR for the top spot because of his advancement of the space program, medicare, medicaid, civil rights act and general demeanor.

He declared war on poverty, which makes more sense than declaring war on terror or drugs, since poverty is a condition, not a tactic or an imanimate object. He really got us stuck in Vietnam though, but noone is perfect.

When he retired he went back to his Texas ranch to grow his hair long and drink Cutty Sark.

viktor said...


"i am not a crook."


'nuff said.

Jake said...
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Jake said...

In honor of the tradition (started by Joe) of deciding what other people's question are rather than letting the question-asker dictate it, my answer is:

1. Teddy Roosevelt
He's the only president to have taken the Super-Soldier Serum.

2. Lyndon B. Johnson
He conducted meetings (like in the movie Friday) while taking a dump so as to make people uncomfortable and give him the upper hand, and he was notorious for busting his pecker out.

3. Franklin D. Roosevelt
He was a cripple.

There are other reasons for each of the above, but what I stated should suffice.

Tiffany! said...

Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt both were ahead-of-their-time environmentalists. Lincoln signed the Yosemite Park Act conserving it as govt land, and Roosevelt spearheaded the national parks system, reclaiming what land had been given away by the presidents in between!
Also I like the teddybear myth and admire tall people.

feverishpoptart said...

Lincoln. My job has at times required me to look up inspirational quotes and his quotes always stand out to me. I even used one of his quotes on my mothers tombstone. "All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother," Awww, you gotta love a guy who loves his mom!

Phoebe said...

TR transcends mere President-of-the-United-States-status anyway.

I'd say Harry S. Truman. He fought pinko communists, rebuilt Europe after WWII, built up our nukes which effectively started the Cold War, and had a sign on his desk in the White House that said, "The Buck Stops Here."