Monday, February 4, 2008

Question #222 Evil

In your opinion, who is the best/scariest villain of all time? Fictional or otherwise.


Jake said...

I'd have to say it's a tie between Bill the Butcher from The Gangs of New York and Don Logan from Sexy Beast (played by Daniel Day-Lewis and Ben Kingsley, respectively).

If you ignore Episodes I through III, Darth Vader is also a good contender.

Anonymous said...

I don't think any villain has scared me more than Dr. Hannibal Lecter/ Anthony Hopkins from Silence of the Lambs. Hopkins scares me in every villainous role he plays.

Lauren B. said...

The cop from Terminator 2

kalene said...

Whereas other imagined villians can be sort of comical or sympathised with, Pinhead from the Hellraiser movies feels like pure evil realized to me. I saw a guy costumed so acurately like him one Halloween that I felt vulnerable and had to cross the street.

I also think realistic characters that upset my comfort level are scary. Like Robert Deniro in This Boy's Life.

kalene said...

Oooh, she's right. The T-1000 is friggin' creepy.

Phoebe said...

I'd say Max Cady (Robert De Niro's character) in Cape Fear is the scariest.

Anonymous said...

Fictional, Hannibal Lecter for sure. Real life, Ted Bundy. Both were charming, brilliant, and utterly insane.

I do have to say, though, I was with Kalene when we ran into Pinhead and he was one scary fucker.

sarah nevada said...

Hans Gruber, Die Hard.

Nate Geniella said...

Magneto was pretty rad in the comics back in the day...although not so rad in the movies...

tomotron said...

Will Ferrell as Mugatu in Zoolander. Sweatshop labor is nothing to laugh about.

ching said...

Gary Oldman playing the bad cop in The Professional.

Anonymous said...

Norman Bates creeps me out every time. So do Reverend Harry Powell and Bob Ewell, in that order.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. doubtfire......tranies are scary enough but your dad as a tranny babysitter is terrifying!

Unknown said...

Thulsa Doom played by James Earl Jones, in which he displays command over his followers by asking them to walk off cliffs, and also for his overall creepy calmness, especially when decapitating conans mother

Anonymous said...

he who must not be named.

Tiffany! said...

male: Javier Bardem's character in No Country for Old Men. The haircut is already creepy enough, but his character completely freaks me out.

female: Rhoda in The Bad Seed. Bonus points because my sister would impersonate her to irritate my mom when my sister was a little blonde child. "I have the prettiest mommy in the whole world; that's what I tell everyone...."

feverishpoptart said...

The pale man from Pans Labyrinth. He gave me nightmares. The way he moved and those awful eyeballs in his hands. Sadface! Captain Vidal is also a terrible terrible crazy person in that movie. Especially since people like him have/do exist.

ariel said...

Severus Snape.

1. He’s cold, bitter, intelligent, and ruthless.
2. You never know whether he is with the good guys or bad guys; but either way he is a dick.
3. He knows too much and he can read your mind.
4. Alan Rickman is hot.
5. In the end he turns out to be just a stupid, skinny boy with messy black hair and a broken heart.

And stupid, skinny boys with messy black hair and broken hearts from all around the world are slowly destroying all civilization.

Dirty Dan Sin said...

Steve Martin as the cat juggler in The Jerk. "Father, could there be a God that would let this happen?"

Jeffrey Lebowski said...

George W.

Anonymous said...

The Clown from "IT".

blackviolet said...

The creepy old man in Poltergeist II. Ugh.