Question #220 New Music
What new music have you been into?
Whether it is a new release or just new to you, please share.
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What new music have you been into?
Whether it is a new release or just new to you, please share.
asked by
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Anyway, best new stuff I have been listening to lately would include...
The Hidden Cameras (new to me, although they've been around for about five years) -- Gorgeous harmonic power-pop with lush arrangements and wonderful vocals. Most of their songs are about dirty dirty bumsex between consenting men, so I doubt they're going to be featured on One Tree Hill anytime soon. Still, two songs feature prominently in the raucous sex movie Shortbus.
Regina Spektor -- Again, she's been around for a while, but I just discovered her. Songs "Fidelity" and "On the Radio" are irresistible.
British Sea Power -- Superfabulous UK group featuring Ian-McCulloch-esque vocals and a tendency to wear WWI helmets onstage.
Flight of the Conchords -- "New Zealand's fourth most popular folk parody duo." You may know them from their HBO comedy show. Fantastically funny and great songwriters to boot! Their Bowie parody is scarily great.
Maps -- Channeling some of the droney fuzz-wash guitar of shoegazer bands like Ride and My Bloody Valentine, these lads from the UK make a very pretty sound.
Stars -- Canadian popsters who see the production of beautiful music as a form of rebellion against state oppression and whatnot. Far more fun than that makes them sound.
Au Revoir Simone -- Don't know much about them but something about this video (three beautiful women walking down a New York street on a gorgeous summer day and singing along to a crappy little casio organ) is getting me through winter far better than any number of mugs of hot cocoa.
My gf revealed the Decemberists to me somewhat recently. They're probably the most frequently-played new-to-me thing on my iPod.
I've been listening to A Place to Bury Strangers nonstop. the new Raveonettes record is really good too. I haven't heard the new Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds yet, but thus far, the two songs i have heard were amazing. The same can be said for the new Morrissey tracks.
On paper, I ought to like the Decmberists -- lots of my friends like them, and lots of the bands I like like them too -- but I just can't get into them. I find Colm Molloy's voice very unlikeable (which is odd, because I like plenty of other bands with vocalists who can be described as nasal or adenoidal or whatever...)
Incidentally, the blue text in my first post is linkable to YouTube videos of the various bands I mention...
Sorry for my typo.
For what it is worth I am a big decemberists fan also.
Thanks for the tips on new music. NEED MORE!
Bon Iver
best record of 2007 - easily
I've gotten into Múm recently (for some reason, stormy weather inspires me to listen to ambient, electronic music).
Also, not very new to me, but something that I've come back to are Carla Bruni and Madeleine Peyroux. I really love the Decemberists as well, I think The Crane Wife is well thought out album.
Oh, and Ingrid Michaelson's song "The Way I Am" is my favorite two minutes of the day when I catch it on the radio or a random commercial on tv. I just can't hate that song (or get enough of it, really.)
I like the latest by Grizzly Bear. Dr. Dog are good also. Since 'Orphans' was released I have been on a real Tom Waits kick.
Vampire Weekend are kind of precious but I like them anyway.
my voice is starting to return, what was once lost to allergies in dusty old Hellay. And I'm playing my guitar a lot more. So, music that I like the guitar of and music that I can sing to has really dominated my taste of late.
I haven't taken the Once soundtrack off of my shuffle-mix since I saw the movie in the cinema, for instance. Almost all current music is 'new-to-me' so I'm constantly amazed by new stuff. But, I'm also quite content with my old stuff, which is why there is so much John Lee Hooker on my shuffle as well.
Oh, but I did ALMOST buy a CD the other day (something I haven't done since purchasing said Once soundtrack from Itunes with a gift card I had). It was a new cd from Steve Earle and it just had a lot of soul and some good guitar. I think it had Washington Square in the name.
been listening to the shit out of the thermals. yup. sub pop still rules.
I'm loving Spoon lately. (Also Hot Chip and Muse. New to me, anyway.)
Darker My Love, doi.
I just got a hold of the mashup of General Public and Rhianna. It's so catchy I can hardly stand it. I'm a sucker for pop.
beach house.
can't wait to hear the new album.
None of this crap is that new but here is what I have been listening to lately:
Agoraphobic Nosebleed - gnar grindcore with a drum machine. The guitarist from pig destroyer's one man band. I have had a personal renaissance of grindcore-listening lately.
Dark tranquility - They are like the OGs of "Melodic death metal". Their latest album is also their best I think. If you like at the gates or light this city the changes are good that you like thm too. What I bet you don't like is their name which sucks. Totally.
Benoit Pioulard - Total f----- shit but then I am a total f-- so I like it. Hella oversampled fuzzy blasts of pretty.
Lil Wayne I have listened to this song 3 or 4 times a day since the Xmas work suicide march.
Mark: I feel you on the thermals too. When do they come back to the Bay?
I've been listening to a lot of Sigur Rós lately. They're Icelandic. Enough said.
And I don't know how you feel about musical theater, but Songs For A New World has some of the most beautiful music.
I love posts like this, gaining new music is my favourite past time.
I've been listening to lots of Grizzly Bear and Midlake. Lately I've also I've been listening to lots of heavier instrumental bands like Pelican, Red Sparowes and Russian Circles. I like music like this because they succeed where other metal bands fail - esp when the music is good but the vocals fuck it all up. Also, lots of 90s gangster rap.
It took me a while to love them, but after hearing them for a while I am suddenly obsessed with the Editors. I also really love MGMT.
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