Question #213 Heavenly Bodies
What's your take on astrology as a real way of determining such things as a person's character or what the future holds?
BONUS: What Zodiacal sign are you, and what does that say about you?
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
What's your take on astrology as a real way of determining such things as a person's character or what the future holds?
BONUS: What Zodiacal sign are you, and what does that say about you?
asked by
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I'm not really into it, but I can't say that I haven't occasionally seen dead-on horoscopes for me. I'm a Libra which apparently means that I'm charming, love books, am well balanced, and sometimes we are described as being fat. Some of those things apply to me. But I probably could fit in several descriptions of different signs.
One time I did an internet IChing (chinese fortune telling) device and asked a very vague question 'Will I be accepted for LonSPOO?'
.......I was very bored at work.....
It was code from school for London Spring Semester 2000. My answer was, "You will cross great waters to study the past. Not eating at home brings good fortune" I was accepted and my classes were all related to english history... and one night while I was there, I took myself out to eat alone and met my future husband. So. Who knows?
I don't believe any of it. I think that it is pretty much all mumbo-jumbo mythology.
When I was a kid, i was amazed at how much I actually did um...resonate with the libra description. I'm cuspy though and couldn't relate to my inner scorpion.
I do enjoy rob brezny's freewill astrology. Sometimes he's full of nothing, sometimes he's dead on. It's interesting.
Pisces make me yawn uncontrollably. Not trying to insult, it's a fact.
I am against horoscopes. They're worse than a harmless diversion, they make people who believe in them worse off.
How could the way that the stars looked in the sky on the day of your birth have any effect on you throughout your life?
It's completely worthless, in my opinion.
As soon as you meet a set of twins with different personalities or lives, then you have successfully disproved astrology.
"Astronomy begins where astrology ends." I'm pretty sure Christopher Hitchens said that.
I'm a Sagittarius and I read my horoscope everyday. Not because I think it's an effective tool in judging anyone else's character or glimpsing the future. I've just found my horoscope generally has wise and positive things to say about everyday life, so it's more of a daily affirmation that some voodoo fake-astronomy that I am deluding myself with. Except the whole Mercury being in retrograde thing. I believe in that.
i'm a leo, but the people that know astrology always peg me as as something else. that alone lends very little credence to the subject. i don't follow it, although i do like to read how i'm supposed to be living my life. astrology aside, all i need is a PA and i would never miss another appointment or be late for another meeting in my life. it's that simple.
Maybe the doubters have never realized how much of our bodies are are made of water. Taking into account how much the moon affects other bodies of water is it too much to believe that it also affects our "body of (mostly)water" &c. pp.
I believe in astrology more than I believe in any of the "majickk space god" religions(you know, Christianity, Catholisism, Scientologism, Jewishery, and other nut-jobsisms). I mean pseudo-science beats "faith" if not much else right?
OH, I forgot to add that this one time, Chris Isaak's sister-in-law came into a Starbucks I had started working at, and asked when I was going to visit a former employee who had just moved to London. I had never met this crazy lady before, and was perplexed how she knew I was moving to London (or that I knew the former employee) when I had been keeping it a well-guarded secret from my employers. I just laughed at her craziness, and then as she walked out she said, 'Well moving to london is where you are supposed to be. Its a great place for performers. You know John Lennon was a libra too' and then she left. I played it off like she was crazy, but everyone swore that 'crazy Patty' was a psychic and so on and so forth. Needless to say, she divulged my secret and the bosses weren't happy. If only crazy patty had told me about the car accident I would have a few days later that would cease my working there, anyways, it could have saved me a lot of effort.
I forgot to say "Money is false inertia" in the first paragraph of the above post but I feel like it was implied.
There is a really interesting connection between Astrology and Christianity suggested by:
I don't believe in them, but I enjoy reading what teen magazines predict for me. I am looking forward to this years prom predictions!
I am a Taurus. Apparently I am supposed to be stubborn, materialistic, like good food, and be self-indulgent. It's all a total coincidence...
It's weird when I meet people who take this stuff seriously. I had a coworker who would always try to guess peoples signs after a few minutes or conversation. This would usually happen when he met a nice looking girl. "A Virgo?? Damn girl, I thought you was a Pisces for sure!" It was so obnoxious. He also always thought people were going to put spells on him or give him the evil eye.
I'm a pisces but I'd rather be a killer whale. Anyways, my horoscope always says I am dreamy, not down to earth, and artistic. Also, I don't pay attention to detail. This is preposterous.
The stars lie. Eff them.
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