Question #212 Scrabble
What is the best word you have been able to use in the board-game Scrabble? How many points was it worth?
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What is the best word you have been able to use in the board-game Scrabble? How many points was it worth?
asked by
Friday, January 18, 2008
(only played 3x) quote. gave me 40-something points. but my favorite was cum. sorry, my humor does not surpass that of a two year old.
Frittata on the triple word, and I got 70 points. I was like Bingo! Jumanji! Yahtzee! It's Clobberin' Time! I think Jake challenged it also so he lost his next turn.
It's funny... I've played about once per day for the last few months, but I can't think of any words I've done. Maybe it's because the only ones I use are "do," "re," "me," "fa," "so," "la," "ti," "ki," "xi," "qi" and "za."
I guess "za" must be the best.
A month or so ago, my friend Trevor got 100+ points when he used his last seven tiles to spell "martinis" on a triple-word-score square (I think the "s" also pluralized another word to give him the points for that).
The last time I played Scrabble was 1996. I beat Daniel Olson with a well -placed Caterwaul. Crushing his lead.
But on a side note: Bobby Fischer died, and the hubby and I cannot get the SNL Cheerleaders' chess cheer out of our heads. So for those who know it, I'm passing it on, in the hopes it leaves me and I can get some work done.
"Well you want victory.
Well that make's you a wisher.
'Cause one thing's for sure:
You ain't no Bobby Fischer.
Where is he?
I don't know, I don't know.
Bobby Fischer;
where is he?
I don't know, I don't know."
When I was a kid, I used to pretend to play..
But I never learned.
So finally Thanksgiving '07 I learned the ways by masters. Of course after five bottles of wine I can't remember a single word..and there was no score keeping for this rookie!
I only played once and lost to my younger sister. It was so traumatizing that I have never been able to play again and have shut all memories of that time out of my memory.
I love scrabble and do not play as often as I would like. I cannot remember a great word of my own although I know I have had them. Burned in my memory is an incredible move by my friend Jack Love, he spelled "astronaut" using all his letters and getting triple word, letter, everything. I think we all lost to him by about 150 points. He's good.
getting bingo is the BEST! i've only done it a few times spelling words like runners and standing. by far my favorite high scoring word i've ever played was zygotes. i think i got around eighty or ninety points.
so awesome.
I got Quest with the Q on the Double Letter and the word was on a Triple Word. The S was adding onto another word from the right side which was Zit (slang is aloud in Scrabble).
Quest 72 points
Zits 13 points
Total 85 points
Scrabble is my favorite game. I wish more people would play with me.
Scrabble is by far my favorite game too. I cant remember my highest scoring word, but I used to always play with my friends dad and he forced me to learn all of the 2 letter and A LOT of the three letter words, so I think Im pretty good. The other night I used the word 'kid' to make two new words. Not a ton of points, but it made my opponent hate me, and thats more satisfying anyways.
I don't remember my best word, but I was looking at my archived games on facebook and the best I had was flambe with 36 points. I am so not impressed with myself for that. My sister and I used to play all the time when we lived at home. We looooove board games, and scrabble is my favorite. Now we play each other online on facebook with the scrabulous application. I think if I had someone to play scrabble with again I might actually watch less tv! Probably not.
you really should think of starting a scrabble night instead of D&D. i would totally be into it.
I saw my friend Jack Love this weekend, I was mistaken, he spelled aviators, I guess I did not remember it as vividly as I thought.
Tonight, I scored 83 points on a bingo by spelling the word "creation".
omg. I still can't believe it.
I won a tournament in the Marines (yeah, whoda thunk it?) by getting a bingo on my FIRST play with "roulette." Cleaned house.
Good times. I don't get to play Scrabble as much as I'd like to, since the wife can't spell. :)
Well, my friend and I go to a river during spring break with her mother, who is a master at scrabble. We play by the regular rules but we always say the point of the game is to beat Nancy, not to get the most points. But beating her would put you in first place for the most points, she is truly amazing at it.
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