Question #210 Animalia
Are you a dog-person, a cat-person, or an enslaving-wild-animals-for-our-own-feelings-
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Are you a dog-person, a cat-person, or an enslaving-wild-animals-for-our-own-feelings-
asked by
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I am a dog-and-cat person. Too many people have the idea that if you're not one, you can't be the other.
I will say this, though: I find it easier to trust someone who hates cats than to trust someone who hates dogs.
I am not a fish or bird or reptile person. I guess that makes me mammal-centric.
I would say I prefer dogs but with various exceptions and whatnot.
It's hard for me to be fair because cats make me allergic enough that I don't like being in the same room as them for long.
Cats are by nature solitary animals that want to live alone in the desert, and don't seem to have much use or need for their owners. They often act so bitchy and aloof that I don't see the point of living with them. It's like living with a beautiful girlfriend that hates you.
Also a big mark against cats is that the smell of their urine never, ever goes away.
I like dogs but I live in a city and I don't think anyone in a city should have a dog cause it's cruel to the dog to make him have to wait all day for you to come home so he can go outside.
Also, I am against buying most purebred dogs and especially breeds like pugs or french bulldogs that live their entire lives in pain. I had a basset hound growing up that looked like this though.
I am 100% a dog person. I agree with Phil about cats, they just don't make sense as pets. They all have the same personality, which would be okay if it weren't such a shitty personality.
I used to think I was a dog person, until my cat reached out of her cage at the pound and grabbed me by the shirt thus saying, 'So, uh, now you are a cat person, also.'
Above all I'm an animal person, and probably a horse-person above other animals. I definitely, like Jake, am mammal-centric.
I used to hate cats because I was afraid of them. I didn't trust that they wern't going to freak out and scratch my eyes out. I live with one now and it seems to be going ok (so far). At least I can bring myself to pet him.
With that said, I love dogs. Someday, I'd like to have a great big ranch (or decent parcel of land) so I can adopt tons of dogs that need a home. This is something I've wanted since I was about 9. To be the crazy dog lady. :)
I LOVE dogs; I tolerate cats. I am in agreement with Phil, I just don't really get why anyone would want a cat.
That said, last month I got a puppy named Kitten. I didn't name him. He just came like that. Now I call him Kitt. Like Knight Rider. If I knew how to work the internet I would say click HERE and show you a picture of him.
P.S. He's poodle mix, a.k.a. mutt, and possibly part hampster, and he didn't come from a puppy farm. And he doesn't stay home all day; I got him a job.
P.P.S. I heard the Gob from Arrested Development is going to be Kitt in the new knight rider movie or TV show or something.
Dogs are my fav for sure because they are the coolest to hang around with. Cats are ok but I am allergic (although, depending on the person, one can get over the allergy over time). For the record, birds are filthy animals when you keep them indoors. They poop all the time and many can't stop from constant noise-making around strangers. I am not a fan of reptiles as pets. And why exactly are fish considered pets? Can you really pet a fish??
I like dogs more usually because they are more fun but I would only like a small to medium size one of my own. The cat I live with, bobcat is her name, is kind of a bitch she sleeps on my legs at night but if I try to pet her she tries to bite and or claw me, she pretty much only likes boys.
I think I am not a fan of animal hair all over my house, that is really the issue.
Maybe I would like animals more if my dog Sandy didn't die when I was really little. I beleive this explains my inability to get close to any animal therefore making me unable to say I am any kind of animal person dog, cat, snake etc...
i like to consider myself friend to all animals, however, recent events have dramatically changed my perception on having pets. with the exception of having a million acres for various outdoor dogs and/or cats (i, also hate animal fur [feces {urine}]), i don't plan on having an animal anytime soon. if i wanted responsibility, i would have a kid, which will never EVER happen.
CATS. but im biased because my german shepherd ate his own shit. I hated that dog. My english teacher in High School owned a wolf. Yay davis.
I am a cat person. I've had my cat since I was 17 years old. She means so much to me. I've been through so many bad things lately, and moved around a lot, and she is the only thing that is always there. People think I'm nuts, but I feel like she is my home. She follows me everywhere and insists on sleeping either in my arms or on my pillow next to my face. She is a huge comfort when I am upset and seems to know because she will lay in bed with me purring and licking my arm or face when I am upset. People think cats don't care but I truly think she does. I will end my crazy cat lady rant now.
That said I love animals and have had all sorts of pets. I really want a chameleon right now, or a praying mantis. I've had both before and it's really fun to feed them. I really want fish too, but after I stepped on my last one I can't bring myself to go down that road again.
CATS for sure for one reason and one reason only: low maintenance. They don't need you to take them on walks or go outside just to piss or crap and we have hard wood floors so the place doesn't smell like urine. They're not as needy as dogs and the best part is that they're self-cleaning and virtually noiseless.
The only downside is keeping a litterbox around and the fact that they like to sit on the keyboard while you're trying to type or sit on the newspaper while you're trying to read.
Having said that, I would own a dog too if I owned a house, I too am animal-centric.
Another "mammal-centric" here.
I have had dogs and cats my entire life, and they're my babies. I also had hampsters and a mouse.
My biggest, sweetest baby just died yesterday. <=(
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