Question #204 Showering
How much time do you usually spend in the shower every day?
BONUS: What goes on in there, anyway?
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How much time do you usually spend in the shower every day?
BONUS: What goes on in there, anyway?
asked by
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Fine, I'll be the first to answer. I'm not shy.
What I have to do in the shower is directly correlated to how long my shower will last. (Usually no shorter than 5 minutes no longer than 18.)
Often, I am just doing normal shower stuff. Sometimes I am singing. Most of the time I am thinking and/or making lists.
5 to 20 minutes depending on if its a shower or bath, and if I am exfoliating and shaving, or doing a hot oil treatment on my poor poor hair (that I forced to be peroxide blonde for the summer)
Its really all about getting clean and getting out. I'm not a shower meditator... Thats what waking up early and painting is for.
15 minutes on an average weekday, an hour on a super-special lazy day.
Bonus: sudsing, shaving, moisturizing, shampooing, conditioning, mud masks, exfoliating.
i'm all about hollywood showers. the longer the better. i'll shower until the hot water is gone. because i've been sick the past few days i've taken multiple baths per day as well as long ass showers.
usually there is some contemplating, sighing, telling myself i'm fat. i really try not to beat off too frequently to conserve my strength.
the average is 15 minutes, i'd have to say. i have tried, in vain, to shorten it, but it seems impossible. washing, shampooing, exfoliating, shaving and the like.
I don't shower every day.
When I do, it's, like 10 minutes, and that's if I shave. Which I rarely do.
I'm such a hippie.
My showers usually seem to me like they last a half an hour but when I look at the clock on the way out, only a few minutes have passed. I never shave in the shower because the fog-free mirror doesn't work. I wash with peppermint soap, by the way.
Probably about 7-10 minutes. I have never checked. Just a general washing and a few moments for reflection on the day.
I am in the shower for about 12 minutes on an average day. I live with my GF who takes about the same amount of time but requires the bathroom for shen do to some girl ritual that I don't want to know about... I think it involves a 'hair dryer'.
I shave and wash all over normally thinking about what I have done the previous day and how I can build on to the next day. That sounds more sweet than it really is though.
Like TLR my I usually reflect on the day during the shower. I shower at night which also lends itself to this. Unlike TLR my reflections on the days issues events are a lot less structured.
I pre-wash with Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap. I then do a good scrubbing with Kiss My Face shower gel(Anti-stress or early-to-bed NOT patchouli). I don't wash my hair or my jeans. Ever.
I usually take about 15 minutes although this is largely a function of my hot water heater.
I hate showering. I love swimming pools and oceans but I hate showers. It feels like God is spitting on me. I get in and out as fast as possible and usually only shower about every 3 days in winter and every other day in summer.
While in the shower, I usually think about how much I don't like it and try not to get soap in my eyes.
I have ass-length hair which takes FOREVER to wash and condition. What takes the longest is trying to comb it out. I have to comb it in the shower with conditioner on it, otherwise the knots would never come out. My fastest showers are 40 minutes, and that's if my hair cooperats, and I don't shave, and I rush. Usual is about an hour, but I have been known to go an hour and a half.
I don't shower everyday. Or every other day. I have really dry skin and hair, so it takes a while before my hair is oily and nasty, so I can afford to go a few days without a shower, without it making much difference. I work indoors, and don't sweat, so eh. It's not really a big deal. After 3-4 days, when my hair starts to feel a little oily, if I'm too lazy to shower, I just wear it in a ponytail. Besides, I read somewhere that you're supposed to let your hair be oily for a couple of days, because it's good for your hair, and my hair can use all the moisture or help it can get.
It just takes so much time to shower, especially when paired with my makeup. It takes me about an hour and a half to do my makeup, not counting getting dressed, taking vitamins, eating, giving the dogs their medicine, or doing anything else I need to do in the morning. I just can't spend that much time getting ready all the time. But I'm totally anal about my makeup, even if my hair or clothes look shitty, haha. I'm weird. =(
Despite my temptations, I generally try to make showers as short as possible. This could be because the water in our apartment doesn't stay very hot for more than maybe ten minutes.
Sometimes I'll start spacing out in there and lose all sense of time, but usually it's straight to business:
- put shampoo in (if it's a hair-wash day)
-soap-up body
- rinse off body
- rinse out shampoo (hair day)
- put conditioner in (hair day)
- shave (shave day)*
- rinse out conditioner
This takes about 5-10 minutes, I think. If it's not a hair-wash or shave day, it's shorter.
*Somehow, the same fog-free mirror that doesn't work for Phil works for me.
What you do is get some bar soap, rub it all over any mirror until it's thick and foamy and wipe it off clean with something dry. It shouldn't fog up after that anymore. It's a lot more fun to use this same method and write "you're going to die" on a bathroom mirror so an unsuspecting person gets the special message when they shower next time.
I do a lot in the shower. I have like 3 different body washes that I use. One that cleans, one that keeps my skin clear and one that smells good. I also have a face wash and a face scrub that I use. So that is like 5 bottles of stuff already, not counting the shampoo and conditioner that I use twice a week because I don't wash my hair everyday. I also take my time because I love showering and really hot scalding water. I am not happy until my skin is red when I exit the shower.
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