Question #199 Happy New Year
What were the first words to come out of your mouth this morning?
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What were the first words to come out of your mouth this morning?
asked by
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
I haven't said any words today.
it was a text:
"Polar Bear Swim at 11:30. Fulton/ Great Hwy, Ocean Beach. Happy New Year!"
and then I said almost the same thing to the hubby who inquired as to why I was up talking about it two hours in advance.
taco bell...
i was outside when the clocks turned and away from the tv... I like noticed all these fireworks going off and then i was all "hey, is it 2008 already"....
Thank god. I can pass out now.
"Sorry I didn't mean to lock you out of our room. I didn't realize you weren't in bed next to me."
Followed closely by:
"Oh god my head."
The above is false. Actually thinking back on it, what I said was: "I didn't lock you out you must have done it yourself. I just figured you wanted to sleep on the couch."
It was only later in the "morning" that I apologized.
12:01 am 01/01/08: "Noone knows the words to this damn song!" {Auld Lang Sine]
11:10 am 01/01/08: [text message]:
"I still have a headache the size of Africa. I think I need more sleep b4 the swim. Sorry :("
I know said some sort of curse word or took the lords name in vain. I apparently got a bloody nose in my sleep so I awoke with blood on my pillow and on my arm. So gross! I swear I don't do coke. :( But yeah, my reaction was not suitable for small children. I'm just glad I didn't get any blood on the couch I was sleeping on.
after the clock struck 12, the first thing i said was to J and V--"i can't believe you guys just ate mushrooms!"
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