Question #194 Ketchup
I read a statistic this week that said the average America consumes five bottles of ketchup (average size) a year. Usually, when I read American consumer statistics like this I think to myself: "NO WAY!"; but this seems pretty reasonable if not on the low side for the average American. So my question is:
How many bottles of ketchup do you think you eat in a year?
*If you are not American: what kind of condiments do you consume regularly?
I think I consume less ketchup than the average American. I like vinegar and mayonnaise with my fries whenever I can get it, and I think putting ketchup on meat, even burgers, is gross.
So, I imagine I eat only one bottle of ketchup a year, a small jar of mayonnaise and several bottles of vinegar. I want a colonic now.
I hate it, really. My kids like it but I rarely make the kinds of food that take I would say two a year.
I think I make up for Phoebe and osm. I eat ketchup on most things savory(especially if fried) including, but not limited to:
french fries (natch [oh you probably call them 'crisps'])
grilled cheese
tofu, my mom style (dipped in soy sauce and then brewers yeast and then fried)
fish and chips (along with vinegar)
veggie hot dogs and burgers
I almost never eat ketchup. We usually didn't have it in the house so I didn't get used to it. It seems like a boring sauce to me, it's just sugar, tomatoes and vinegar. My mother once claimed that since tomatoes are a fruit, ketchup should be considered a jam.
That's like claiming that since peanuts are a legume, peanut butter is the same thing as hummus.
I sometimes put ketchup on fries or hash browns but not that much.
Maybe I am not American, but the best condiments are cholula, stone ground mustard, and A1 sauce.
Right after Gutenberg's printing press, A1 is my favorite invention.
I put a combo of ketchup and hot sauce on most things (usually Tapatio) which is even more vinegary, but nice and hot. Like Joe, I find it's best on eggs, cheesy and/or fried things. I prefer fry sauce for my pomme frites though. I guess I go through about 2.25 bottles a year, on average. But I'm just guessing here.
I'd say I eat maybe 2 or 3 bottles a year. I usually only eat the stuff if I'm at a restaurant (where I put it on hamburgers, hot dogs, eggs or potatoes [the former two "fake" meat]). I have it on fries some, but these days I prefer mayo on fries. I'll put mayo on anything within arm's reach of me.
Roughly 3 bottles per year. It wouldn't surprise if it were actually 5 per year but I stick to organic (none of that high fructose corn syrup crap). I can't stand mayo so I add a small layer of mustard sometimes when eating veggie burgers and other alternative-to-meat products that usually taste too dry otherwise. But I like my fries dry. The whole fries and mayo thing would make me gag.
I just used a bottle in barbecue sauce over the last week. So...yeah - I eat 5 a year. Yum.
I really don't eat that much I am sure.
Maybe in soy sauce?
I don't even really ever put in on my fries or burgers.
Maybe I am a weirdo.
I hardly eat any at all. I don't even remember the last time I had any. I would say I eat half a bottle a year, if that. I have a friend who loves it on everything, even rice. Gross.
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