Question #181 Your Walls
During the early years of your "adulthood" (around 18 to 22 years of age), what pictures/posters/tapestries could be found on your bedroom/dorm-room walls?*
*If you're 22 or younger, what's currently on them?
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
During the early years of your "adulthood" (around 18 to 22 years of age), what pictures/posters/tapestries could be found on your bedroom/dorm-room walls?*
*If you're 22 or younger, what's currently on them?
asked by
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
In my first dorm room in college, I had posters of The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Smiths, U2, a photo of Jerry Brown, Ralph Nader, and a photo/magazine collage made for me by Sarah W. when we were around 13 or 14.
I never had any decorations and kept my walls totally bare. I wish I could say I had the "decisions, decisions" poster with the sports cars, though.
I have had a big wood-mounted print of VanGogh's Cafe Terrace at Night, all through college, and still have it now. Back in the Londres, when I had extremely unsightly walls in my basement flat, I used large world maps (thank YOU free maps from AAA!), a Breakfast at Tiffany's poster, and candy wrappers (mostly unusual British ones, like the limited edition millenium Champagne flavored Crunchie bar). Oh, and I just remembered that we had this tiny separate room under the stairs with a toilet, and it was dark and dungeon like, so to brighten up the place, my flatmate, DJ and I covered the walls with our favorite call girl postcards which we had collected around London;we found it hilarious. We are really classy gals.
I have been decorating my walls with rock posters and cool photography lately. I like just about anything that is in a nice frame... when I was a kid I did have the 'decisions decisions' poster though.
I didn't need pictures on my wall, I lived with Phil. He kept the place interesting.
first dorm room was a carryover from high school: all Iron Maiden posters. After that, nothing.
What I desire most of all is the 3000.00 photograph of Lee Marvin I saw in some gallery in SF. I'd put it behind a padlocked steel frame and only allow it to be viewed it on special occasions. 1
At this time I was in a UCSC dorm. There was a copy of a large Salvador Dali had something to do with time bending, Pearl Jam(mainly Eddie Vedder) clippings, and a Beatles poster taken from my dad's album collection. Among other photos, there was a picture of Phil at 16, in which he was wearing Tevas.
I had a variety of posters and other art at various times during that period. But the most memorable was a really ugly white/gray/black blanket with a wolf on it. I bought it somewhere around Berkeley (I think just North of Berkeley in Albany/Richmond/El Cerrito). I needed something big enough to cover up a 5 ft x 5 ft hole in the wall in my room at the house that I lived in. The hole was on the wall inside of my room but the hallway side of the wall was fine. Lots of cold air would come in from that hole and over my "bed" (i.e., a mattress on the floor), especially in the winters when I would stay at this giant 20-room house by myself with the heat shut off, so the blanket helped. Incidentally, I visited that house not too long ago and the hole (and my famous blanket featuring the wolf) is still there, only now being used by someone else. One would think that after 10 years, someone would have fixed that wall. I suppose I should have fixed it.
i tape random little bullshit that makes me laugh to my wall. right now its mostly stickers stencils and tracing paper. also, my first collllege apartment had a sleeping bag covering the one window to block out all the sun. it was pretty dope for hangovers, not so great for waking up before 3 or going to class.
on an sad and unrelated note: "Ballerstatus is reporting that Bay Area legend Spice 1 was shot twice early this morning and is alive but in critical condition.
…Spice was shot twice, once in the chin and another time in the chest, which just missed his heart by inches.
"Yes, it’s true," Six told "Right now, we’re asking for everyone to keep Spice in their prayers."
From my dorm and first apt life: Posters and pictures of Monty Python, Kenneth Brannagh, a nifty print called London After the Rain, a star wars poster, photos of ghost towns that I had hunted down, and a bunch of other stuff that I can't remember any more.
being 23 this questions officially makes me feel old....
Anyways, i used to have posters such as one featuring Keira Knightley, like an AFI poster, Smashing Pumpkins posters...
i guess i could sum it up as various rock band posters and then i would usually tape up pictures that i had took and thought were cool....
at the age of eighteen, i lived at the crappy. the walls were adorned with quotes, pictures, knives, beer ads and one giant lenin poster.
at the age of nineteen, i lived moved to santa cruz with some other ukiah heads (notably the shermal detonator, leo stewart, darian tucker, bearded walt and micah mason). the walls there were (not by my choice) decorated with a huge tye dye batik that looked like a bruise, a stoned again poster and several pink floyd posters.
after that, i lived in the pharm house that had rock posters and peeps for wall decorations.
around twenty one, i lived in oakland with holly wood and our walls were covered with rock posters and oversized photos that she had taken (and were rad). i do believe, however, there was a g. klimt "the kiss" somewhere in that apartment.
i never had a "mind warp" or s. dali poster, though. i guess i waited too long to go to college.
I'm 22, and currently on my walls are a few paintings done by a friend, some canvas prints, some of my dad's photography, and some of my photography.
I had a Jean Luc Godard collage poster, similar to, (but a little better than) this. I still have it; I'd like to frame and re-hang it in my very mature and real-adult apartment. Right next to the Corona box filled with DVDs.
I lived at the Crappy (a "punk house" in Ukiah) with Victor, so I had the things listed in his answer on my walls then (he forgot to mention a number of Star Wars pics torn from a coffee table book).
Then I moved into dorms, where I mostly had a small portion of the same junk (we split it up when we vacated the Crappy). The one thing that really stick out from my dorm-time-- mainly because it's embarrassing-- is the giant Koop devil-girl on the wall of the room I shared with Joe.
during the earlier years of college, a lot of music posters from the emo-ish bands i was into at the time-- promise ring, saves the day, weezer, et cetera. and photos of my friends. also, john cusack movie posters because i had a huge crush on him just like every other chick.
That koop poster wasn't my fault though. What was my fault was the outdoor american flag put up indoors to encourage pledging of allegiance. I think I remember a reverend horton heat sticker.
In general things that most of my houses had were: hardcore posters, american flags, comedy. Now my walls are mostly bare except for some photos and my collection of exotic knives.
A PULP poster of Jarvis looking uber sad...figures.
photographic evidence at:
that last one is a plastic spider tacked to the wall holding a leather pouch with a quartz crystal, small diamond and a garlic clove. I think the poster-bottom shown there is either Butthole Surfers' 'Pioughd' or Nova Mob's 'Last Days of Pompeii.'
I had a buff cop standing in front of a Lamborghini cop car....And the blue angels.
On a completely separate note, the "word verification" for this comment was "wwjd"
Set lists, concert flyers, and pics of my homies.
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