Friday, November 30, 2007

Question #179 Sherlock

There is a big blockbuster Sherlock Holmes action movie in pre production right now; who do you think should be cast as Sherlock?

(Keep in mind he is awesome: a chemist, champion boxer, dashing, brave, and a bloody good detective. Though, he is also arrogant, a drug addict, completely asexual, and kind of bitchy.)


Jake said...

I'd like to cast my friend Professor Fancy Pants.

ariel said...

Apparently I can’t count. This should be question #179. Please forgive.

I’m thinking, a slightly thinner and more effeminate Daniel Craig? But that might be too James Bondy, maybe Clive Owen?

I really love Sherlock Holmes, as I am sure you can tell, I CAN”T WAIT for this movie.

sarah nevada said...

i think that the new Sherlock Holmes should be played by Gerard Butler from the "300." However, I'm sure that he will be played by someone like Paul Walker and Watson will be played by Lindsay Lohan.z

raina mast said...

my brother jared mast or grace jones

philip said...

I would like Christian Bale but maybe it's too close to Batman. Rupert Everett could do it also. I hope it's not Johnny Depp though.

There was a movie called "zero effect" a few years ago that was a modern sherlock holmes set in Portland and played by Bill Pullman. He did a very good job.

I don't want to tell you who played Watson cause it is one of those people that everyone hates and will make you not see the movie even though it's very good.

Anyways if they set in it modern times and retell it they could get Chiwetel Ejiofor (the black guy from children of men, british sailor from amistad and villain from serenity) he would be awesome.

Phoebe said...

I think Eddie Murphy should play every part in the new Sherlock Holmes movie.

iamdavehulse said...

I think a younger Ian McKellen would have made this interesting and could have easily fallen into this role.

I just really hope it's not Will Smith.

JennGerVitis said...

Adrian Brody. I don't have a good explanation but he came to mind as I read the description. He seems bitchy to me.

Unknown said...

Heath Ledger would probably be decent in that part.

philip said...

Jake just said Alan Cumming and I think he is right.

tomotron said...

Daniel Craig!

Anonymous said...

I think clive owen could pull it off...

Dirty Dan Sin said...

I like Dominic West - The Wire's Jimmy McNulty.

Joe said...

Have any of you seen the TV show they have on the Biography(?!) channel? To me they really did it right as far as rendering some of my favorite stories in the "movie/tv" format. So I guess I would have to say Jeremy Brett unless he is dead.

I bet its going to end up being Nicholas Cage or Jude Law or some shit.

viktor said...

hercules! hercules! hercules!

Anonymous said...

What about John Barrowman?

feverishpoptart said...

Jonathan Rhys Meyers.