Question #177 American Culture
What aspect of current American cultural direction gives you the most hope for our future?
No fair to say "no aspect".
Bonus: Do we have a chance or should we all move to Canada?
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
What aspect of current American cultural direction gives you the most hope for our future?
No fair to say "no aspect".
Bonus: Do we have a chance or should we all move to Canada?
asked by
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Television cooking shows. They don't really give me hope for the future, but at least I'm learning how to keep myself well fed on the downhill slide.
Our diversity is one... i was thinking about this the other day and i realized that when you compare america's ethnic/relgious/cultural background when compared to a lot (perhaps majority/all, i don't honestly know) of other countries we have a greater mix... like think of places like ireland, england,new zealand, thailand, all countries i have not heard mixing things up a whole bunch.... it seems like most other countries have not really had the same chance to experience different cultures at home.. now whether or not TV and modern life is destroying that is one thing (i personally believe that will never really happen), but sometimes i realize how rad it is that i know people who have ethnic roots all over the globe(as most of us probably do).
The other is our capacity to innovate...sounds kinda CEO/republicanesque thing to say... but i do believe that a lot of forward strides have been made solely in this country from a science/technology point of view...recently our effectiveness has been called into question with competition from other countries, but i think in this area we are still doing pretty alright.
As much as I bitch and moan about it, I do feel that there is a very small increase in global awareness. Whether it is because of internet media sources educating the masses with news that isn't all from one side (or class or country), or perhaps silly networking sites' grassroots campaigns (can myspace be used for good?!), or perhaps its just because of our fabulous celebrities traveling abroad to add to their brood... The other day a homeless man at Powell and Market shouted out something about London while I traveled by in our union jack-emblazoned mini. And, though I haven't the slightest notion as to whether what he said was complimentary or derogatory... I was warmed by the idea that he recognized the flag and had some opinions to share on the matter.
In spite of all this, I am still moving to BC in the next decade, or I'll be leading the seceding of San Francisco from the US and A.
phil running for public office gives me a great deal of hope about the future of america. vote phil, he's real.
One thing that makes me hopeful is the fact that most Americans-- and especially those in public office-- are finally considering our environment to be something other than a fringe concern.
And I agree with Tiffany! about the grassroots-ing of culture via the internets.
Our superior weapon systems and insidious pop culture are our only defenses, and, by their nature, our only hope for a future. America is basically the worlds supplier of Superior Firepower, and Reality Television.
If we didn't have those the foreign hordes could invade at-will.
Our greed is what will solve global warming... it is ingenuity driven by greed that solves most of the worlds problems. While it creates its own problems greed will keep the machine running.
It sucks, I asked this question and then realized I didn't have a good answer for it. I guess that is why I asked.
I was thinking more in terms of things whose rate of change was pointing up rather than down. Like our innovation is still probably a positive but the derivative of our innovation is negative because there is less now in this country then there was previously. I mean, we aren't in the heyday of inventing pizza* and the automobile** anymore.
I think one thing that is trending toward the good is, like others have said, our diversity and our tolerance. I mean we aren't living side-by-side as brother and sister exactly but compared to the shit that went on even 30 years ago we are progressing pretty good. Even with all of the 911 scares and stuff I see some heartening signs.
I mean the above except for me of course because I only like white*** dudes from Ukiah and hate anyone who deviates from that mold.
* Well delivery at least
** Well mass produced at least
*** Or some simulacrum
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