Monday, November 26, 2007

Question #175 Morgan Freeman

How great is Morgan Freeman?



Phoebe said...

I love Morgan Freeman. He is at once stoic and genteel. His voice is like whipped unsalted butter on warm cornbread. He drives me to tears in nearly everything he does, not just Shawshank and Driving Miss Daisy, but even those weird psychological thrillers he does with Ashley Judd and the apocalyptic action movies. You know he only agreed to star in those as a favor to the studios and to put his daughters through college. He is wonderful...And he has those cool dots around his eyes.

sarah nevada said...

I don't believe in god, but I do believe in Morgan Freeman. Does that answer the question?

Jake said...

He's worth at least ten Bill Cosbys.

He and James Earl Jones should have a soothing voice-off.

Anonymous said...

Pretty damn great.

philip said...

I wish M. Freeman had played the old man who lives in the clock tower in Hudsucker Proxy.

Juan said...

I met Mr. Freeman at the Tree of Life Awards a few years ago (2003? 2004?). He liked my name and kept repeating it in a deep voice. He is very kind . . . and incredibly tall. I like him.

Anonymous said...

Pretty darn great.
Now how do I get tickets to that soothing-voice-off?

blackviolet said...

I adore him. Did you see him on In the Actors Studio? He just wins.

Nate Geniella said...

hes pretty cool....

Joe said...

Sometimes when I am feeling really horrible I imagine Morgan Freeman is my real father and it cheers me up. Also it might be true, you never know...

Also way to limit your comparisons to just Bill Cosby, JEJ, and God you racists.

feverishpoptart said...

I work for a personalized gift company, and we sent him a clock with his name on it a few months ago. I was the only one excited. I hope he liked it! Yes, my story is kind of pathetic but I'm sticking to it.

tomotron said...

Isn't it crazy that no one in the Universe hates MF? Those dots are freckles Phoebes. Oh and also, I like slash love Morgan Freeman as well! Go Robin Hood, he is the only great thing in that horrible film.