Question # 169 Air Travel
I found out yesterday that I must travel to Germany so my question is a selfish one:
What are your strategies for surviving long flights?
Bonus: What kind of drugs do you take?
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
I found out yesterday that I must travel to Germany so my question is a selfish one:
What are your strategies for surviving long flights?
Bonus: What kind of drugs do you take?
asked by
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Business class.
Do that and the only drug you'll need is plenty of fine brandy.
books, magazines, crosswords, journal, seethe....repeat.
i fly about 1-5 times a month. my strategy is being so exhausted that i pass out before the flight leaves. if necessary, i enjoy a jack and coke and some valium. no big deal.
I have a horrible time on planes. My strategy includes, but isn't limited to:
Requesting an aisle seat
Bringing a sandwich (since the veggie
meals are almost inedible)
Walking around a bunch
Packing every migraine drug I can think of.
PSP, Gameboy
Trashy books
Trying to score with the dude/chick sitting next to me, not by talking, but by using my mind.
Trying not to think about how they are hogging the armrest.
Reflecting on life/hoping the wings of the plane do/don't fall off.
Taking Valium.
Basically i try and make sure i am really tired so that i can sleep....
or a book...
once when i was flying to paris though, there were these personalized video screens so i could watch anything from like 40 different movies...and that was actually okay...and helped...
drinks work too.
Fly into London so you can fly Virgin Airlines, then transfer to another airline. I do not reccomend German Wings! :( I was planning on sleeping when I flew to London last year, but I was so entertained I remained awake the entire time. You get your own tv with remote, so you can play video games the whole time. You also have a large selection of movies and tv shows. I watched like 3 and a half movies and a few episodes of Scrubs. It was the funnest flight ever. The flight attendants are also super adorable and have hot British accents. They are always there ready to supply you with tea. If you have a psp or ds definitely take that, books, magazines, etc. If they offer booze take it. If you can sit alone I highly recommend that as well. I had an empty seat on my way home from London and was able to lay down and take a good nap. The airline supplied care packages with socks, sleep masks, toothpaste and a toothbrush, but you might want to take a toothbrush along in case they don't supply any. Dress comfortably and buy new socks. Everything is always better when you are wearing new socks.
I always get a window seat, so that I when I go to sleep I'm not disturbed by people trying to get up. It also gives you a wall to rest your head on, if needed (I also keep the tray table down so I can lean forward and sleep against that if necessary).
I try to go into it a little sleepy, but will also use whatever sleep-inducing pills I can get my hands on. Valium is ideal, but I'll settle for Tylenol PM if necessary. Mixing them doesn't hurt. I stay away from the booze, because I don't like being hung over when going through immigration/customs.
Also, bringing a hat or hoodie will ensure that you have something to cover your eyes with. Actual eye-covers (or "shades" or whatever they're called) are even better, especially when you also have earplugs.
Finally, wear loose, comfortable clothing.
Anyone who had traveled with me has known. I put a jacket over my head and I'm out, up to 13 hr flights I'm all good no drugs necessary.
While I agree with the first poster about business class or better if you have to fly coach this is what I think....
Drugs (I think Valium is best but if you just want to party and not think about the flight percocet is ideal)
Window seat (for all the reasons Jake said)
Terrible 'Men's magazines'
DVDs ripped to an ipod
What I don't recommend is letting your girlfriend get wasted and try to hump you in the bathroom, it is a major turn off and your d will not work.
I had to fly to germany once with Underoath which was probably the worst choice of my life, it was me and 7 southern baptists trapped in the sky! but luckily we flew virgin and they had hot airline attendants oh and the MGD helped as well sp my advice is just drink drink drink and sleep sleep sleep!
taking a long flight requires at least a week worth of preparation. i begin, about five days earlier by having a food/alcohol bing so that by the time i get on the plane my tolerance for alcohol is through the roof. also during those five days, i try to sleep as little as possible. this is difficult for me because i like to sleep. finally, on the night before the flight, i try to stay up drinking all night to ensure that i will be able to sleep on the plane (copious amounts of weed and hallucinogens are good, too). upon boarding the plane i try to snag a window seat. pop a few diazapam, and put on the headphones and wake up in my destination.
it's quite possible that this is just how i live normally. i'm going to have to think about that.
The best flight I ever took involved me making sure I was next to an empty seat, brining some Unisom, and downing several airplane bottles of Baileys.
Red eyes + Tylenol PM works like a charm, plus I never feel bad when it wears off and get an extra day out of my trip (usually to NYC).
I was flying to Germany once with about an eighth of weed in my vagina. Yeah, thats right. After like an hour on the plane I realized that i could probably take it out, cramming it back in prior to landing. Then I thought to myself, na, I'll bring my homie some real "stinky" green from mendo. So, I left it in there for however many hours it was. A LOT!.. Anyways It helped to walk around a lot. You should use some sort of sleeping pill or something to that affect. Valium is key. I heart valium..
As someone who has done an awful lot of long flights... Sleep is your best bet. And if you have to fly Lufthansa you won't need to worry about missing out on good food while sleeping, so its win-win. Also, if flying with Lufthansa, I'd advise carry-on... as they lost my suitcase for three weeks and made me jump through hoops for a whole year to get my money back on the the 100 bucks I spent on non luxury items to hold me over for all of that time (even making me box them up and mail them to Lufthansa, no joke).
i'm absolutely terrified of flying but i've had to fly a lot and usually for long periods of time so what i do is make some sort of super relaxing mix on my ipod (usually consisting of insturmental music like godspeed you black emperor, symphonies, or the twin peaks soundtrack) to put me into a sleep state then just do my best to conk out. it's really hard to fall asleep when flying because it's 100% impossible to be able to be comfortable so you're usually leaning your head against the window or putting the tray down and putting your head down on that like a school desk. i've also found good homiopathic remedies to help me mellow out a bit so i'm not taking anything too strong that will fuck my whole day up. other than that, i just white knuckle it, bite down on something, and try not to let my hyperventilating bother anyone around me.
while on the subject of sleeping on planes, i dunno if this happens to anyone else, but why can't flight attendants leave you alone when you're sleeping? if i'm all curled up with a blanket, pillow, headphones, and my eyes closed, do you really think it's so necessary to take my drink order?
Ambien and Xanax work great. You wake up when you get there.
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