Question #161 Bravery
Do you consider yourself to be brave?
*Bonus: give us an example of your bravery or cowardice!
(Though paradoxically, admitting cowardice is sort of brave, no?)
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
Do you consider yourself to be brave?
*Bonus: give us an example of your bravery or cowardice!
(Though paradoxically, admitting cowardice is sort of brave, no?)
asked by
Friday, November 02, 2007
I like to think of myself as brave, but I can't really cite anything in particular so maybe I'm just kidding myself and am a coward.
Then again, I could just be very modest. Or maybe I'm so brave that I never considered my brave acts to be so.
I will say that I frequently avoid direct conflict and am probably the most passive-aggressive person that I know.
I will also say that I can think of a few times when I've stood up to bullies (frequently on the behalf of others). I have little patience for these types because I grew up under the regime of one, whom I can now fortunately refer to as an EX-stepfather.
One time on the bus, I decided to defend an old asian lady who was being verbally assaulted by a racist man. I thought I was being brave by getting in his face and demanding that he get off the bus, but later I felt that maybe I was just as crazy as the racist, and also, maybe I did it because I was having a bad day.
One time in ybor city I was hit in the head by a trans sexual witha tire iron, and then when i was standing back up her homo thug boyfriend cracked me with a vodka bottle. Im not sure if that makes me brave but its still a good story for the grandkids.
I've never put myself in harm's way for some greater cause but I guess there are less opportunities to do so because of all our modern technological conveniences and a generally narrow margin for danger/disaster in our daily lives.
I guess the bravest thing anyone can do is stick up for themselves, to not pretend something doesn't bother them when it really does and not hide behind a ton of irony so they're completely useless and insincere.
That said, I'm like, 80% brave.
Oh, but I feel bravest when I have to kill big bugs.
I have not really been tested all that much on this one...
but i feel as though when it comes down to it i feel as though i do whats right almost no matter what and look at for my friends...
Examples, uh i remember few years ago standing in front of this door with one of my friends, keeping this dude who was coked out of his mind from getting in and hurting one of my friends....nothing really happend, situation was diffused by friends...but that took guts...
i dunno...i still mainly feel as though i have not really been in i have never really had to be brave...but i feel as though i would be if it came down to it... but who knows...
Sure, I think that I am brave. I mean, what is your definition? If you mean that I can face difficulty or danger without fear I would say that within reason this is true. I don't look at a fire and think "that isn't very hot." But if a loved one was about to tumble unknowingly into the flame I would certainly jump to help/save them without flinching.
If what you meant was; "Are you a Brave?" Then the answer would be 'no.' but I support their casinos.
if by brave we are talking about showing courage, i'm not sure how i fare on this. in general, i'm not one to get pushed around but i'm fully cognizant on how to pick my battles. if bravery means telling your boss he's wrong, then i'm brave. if bravery is standing up to a car full of kids ready to beat my ass and i run, then i'm not brave. i don't think a lack of self preservation is a metric of bravery, e.g. fighting to preserve ones honor at the expense of ones body and possibly life. i do think, however, standing up for ones morals, be it fighting cancer, crime, bed bugs, spiders, or racism is very brave.
if by being brave, you mean making a splendid show, then i'm totally brave. check out the pythons baby.
I am half and half like anyone else I think: Moments of cowardice and bravery but mostly a muddle of both.
I was brave to move to NYC alone to teach there.
I was cowardly once in elementary school when all the kids were messing with one blonde kid, teasing him until he cried and then not letting him escape from a circle they formed around him as they laughed. He looked to me for help and I looked away and minded my own business in part because I was afraid I would be next. I can remember his face, which was red from sobbing, and the faces of the other kids, who all were having a great time.
I'm a pretty brave person, in general. Though I'm also very aware so I'm not just naive about the world. I guess that is street-smarts?
One time when I was rather brave was when I was on a boat that caught fire in the delta and we thought it was going to spread to the engine room. I just snapped into gear, got people into a dinghy and dove in the water swimming along,pulling the dinghy to other boats, and ran two shuttles of people before climbing into a nearby boat myself. The boat didn't explode or anything, but I was pretty surprised by my actions. I think anyone can be brave when put in situations where it is necessary, though.
One of our friends is battling cancer and he is the bravest person I know. But he swears he is just living life, and that he is no braver than anyone else. But, he is still a big hero of mine.
I was brave to pack my things and move to Florida for school. I am one of ten, give or take a couple, that are female in a school of 2,000.. I've been in school for 9 months and I constantly feel like I have to prove myself around all these guys. But it always makes me feel good when I do the job faster than the guy next to me, then they get the complex.
I've been running from an issue for a very long time. Between all the 40's and tin foil boats I was into when I was youger, I think it was easy for me to forget about it. Lately it's been haunting me and I know that I have to stop being such a fucking pussy and just address the situation before it's to late and it ends up being a bigger issue than needs be.
I guess you can say I'm a half and half...
i think i am a bit of both. i was brave to pick up and move to nyc and now i'm being brave by moving and plunging myself into more debt in order to go to grad school. i am cowardly each time i see someone be mean to wait staff and i don't say something because i don't want to get into an argument or get smacked.
I'm not brave at all, but I have good instinct. So........there have been times I've done what could be construed as brave things, but I think it's just that I listen to my gut first, and my brain second.
I don't think I'm brave. Whever I see movies where someone is in a position where they have to be brave (horror movies especially). I always think to myself, I'd rather just kill myself before getting chased by Freddie or getting stuck in a cave spelunking with monsters.
However, I do think I'm brave when it comes to my friends. I told my friend once if her life was in danger and the only way to save her was to chop off my hand, I would do it...and I would.
I don't think I'm brave, but I've never been in a situation that really required it. People have told me they think I'm a strong person but that's not quite the same thing. I'd like to think I would do the proper heroic thing if the time ever came, but I have been in minor situations that lead me to believe I will probably wuss out. A few years ago my dad was jumping around our living room being the weirdo he is, trying to show off to my friend when he stubbed his toe so bad his toenail came off with a bit of toe and bled everywhere. It was so bad you could smell the blood in the air. Luckily my friend was able to get a towel and help him out. I was crying and having a small panic attack while I called my mom at work to tell her my dad was bleeding everywhere. In any case, if there is a fire, I may not be the one who runs into the building to save some old lady's cat, but I will at least call 911 in a hysterical manner.
i am brave. have faced violence, death threats and rico charges for standing up politically. am also a coward when it comes to being all that i can be.
If it had to do with a person or pet that I loved being hurt, I'd do anything to stop it, without hesitation. Anything else? I don't know. I guess it would depend.
As far as getting into fights? I'm not physical, and do not fight. It's stupid, and I'll avoid it. I typically avoid most confrontations.
If someone attacked me, I'd mace them or pull a knife. I would definitely not fight fair.
I haven't been put into any situations that really require me to be brave, and I hope I never get put into one.
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