Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Question #158 Overpayment

Who, in your opinion, gets paid more than they deserve?


sarah nevada said...

most people at investment banking firms and NYC real estate brokers

sarah nevada said...

oh AND most people involved in pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies

Dirty Dan Sin said...

insurance companies...especially their CEOs

philip said...

I agree with Sarah on the NYC rental brokers, who don't do anything that craigslist can't do for free but who take a month and a half's rent from you.

Many CEO's, especially ones whose companies have slim or no profits or who are laying people off.

Yankees 3rd baseman Alex Rodriguez, who only plays well when it doesn't count even though he makes $25m/yr, more than anyone else.

Pharmaceutical sales reps, whose pay is based on how much they can distort the prescription writing habits of the physicians in their area.

Education department bigwigs in NYC.

Jake said...

CEOs in general, and probably all NFL/MLB/NBA players.

Anonymous said...

I probably get paid more than I deserve. I have spent how much time answering these questions instead of working?

sarah nevada said...

and Brett Ratner, X Men 3 and Rush Hour 3 sucked, and I'm highly suspicious of the Hugh Hefner movie he is making.

Phoebe said...

Public school teachers. Waaah, wahhh, waaaaahhhhh...

ariel said...

Actors, sports players, and anyone in general who gets paid millions to do what I did in junior high for free.

And Phoebe. Do you know what she does? Her job isn't even real.

TLR said...

Don't knock the hustle y'all.

tomotron said...

Prostitutes and sweat shop workers.

NBA/NFL athletes also.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is going to hate me, but bartenders and waiters. Other than that insurance companies. My insurance company is raping me.
And I miss universal health care.

Oh, and CitiApartments. They are absolute assholes with far far far too much money.

Ps> why don't we tip librarians and mailmen?

Joe said...

Welfare moms, bums who aren't reagan's fault, landed gentry, pirates, carjackers, pimps, trust fund kids.

viktor said...

colonel sanders, the king of burger king and ronald mcdonald.

Anonymous said...

anyone who makes more than $60k a year.