Question # 156 Halloween Costume
What are you going to dress up as for Halloween?
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What are you going to dress up as for Halloween?
asked by
Friday, October 26, 2007
Per my answer to question #134: I am terrified of Halloween. I will probably spend Saturday to Wednesday trying very hard to be home by sunset to avoid anyone in costume.
But I still enjoy hearing about what other people have planned.
I'm part of a costume-theme-group whom will undoubtedly attempt tiffany-icide if I let the cat out of the bag now. I will answer this after attending the party at the WelshlyArms. Hint> its nerd-riffic!
I plan on being a sexy French maid. If that doesn't work, I will be a horny sexy devil. If that fails, I will be a scantily clad sex angel and/or nurse. And if the Halloween store is totally sold out of those costumes, I will just go around humping peoples' legs.
JK, I'm a frog.
Peg Bundy. It's going to be hot.
Probably as either a rapist or a racist. Or both.
i am going 80's i believe. I never get to be clever ( one year I was "Bob Dylan" and wore a flannel shirt and some levi's) but i think some awesome stonewashed levi's, headband, stonewashed vest (shirt optional), friendship bracelets, a yo yo.
Maybe its generic, but it will rule. And my alter persona will shine.
The last time I dressed up for halloween I believe I was 10.
whenever situations like having to put on a costume arise I always ask myself what would dad say, and I know exactly what my father would say which is something along the lines of "only children and retards dress up for holidays" so I'll probably wear a plaid shirt and jeans as always. Thanks for the complex pops!
a hamburger.
I have a 3 parties to go to so I am recycling 2 costumes and adding a new one. Tonight I will be dressing up as American McGee's Alice (it's a video game thing, yes I'm a nerd, no it's not cosplay!), tomorrow a gothy Little Red Riding Hood, and then my last costume is a Gryffindor Student. I have a collectible Quidditch world cup pin so it's extra special.
i think i just might be dressing up as indiana jones. People tell me i look like harrison ford alot and it sounds pretty easy to do..
So, now that its over... Paul and Beth and I went as browsers. I was firefox and made myself a fantastic tail and ears, and had flame and computer stuff on me. Beth was Opera and dressed as an opera singer with viking hat and blonde braids. And Paul was Internet Explorer and dressed like Indiana Jones but was covered with pop-ups. We were really proud, but almost no one at the Welshly Arms could figure it out.C'est la vie. At least we were fancier than Dave and his spider-headband.
My sister's boyfriend went as Indiana Jones. My husband went as Dangle, the cop from Reno 911 with the shorts, haha. I went as a kind of devil. On Halloween, I'm going to be the scary clown again.
a aunt hand-made the costume!
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