Question #147 Family Traditions
What's your favorite thing to do with your parents (or other close relatives) when you visit them?
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What's your favorite thing to do with your parents (or other close relatives) when you visit them?
asked by
Monday, October 15, 2007
I think that my favorite is cooking for my parents. They seem to always like what I make and are willing to shop for my fancy ass ingredients.
go shopping. eat crabs. sew.
Eating ramen with my pops and eating a Thanh Long with my mom.
I never thought of it as a tradition, but I suppose ours, is that everytime we are home, the family walks the dog to Gian's Deli where we all have espresso and eat fresh focaccia with blue castello cheese. I also like visiting and trying to stay up late enough to party with the folks. They are animals.
With my dad I like to listen to sports on the radio and when the announcers start raising their voices we both grip the armrests of our chairs and make fake "excited" faces. We also make up our own inane sports broadcasting cliches like "If the Mets want to win this game, they're going to need to score runs".
My dad and I also run together. He is really foolish in the way that he crosses the street while running and I can't believe he's never been hit by a car.
We also argue a lot. We love each other but I think sometimes fathers and sons need to talk some serious shit to each other every once in a while just to keep each other honest.
With my mom I do different things. Her whole family plays bridge at all times when they get together and it's been like they since before I was born. I don't play though.
I have a list of places I like to eat when visiting my dad, like Baja Fresh and In N' Out, since neither of those places exist in New York. We ate so much food when I got here on Sunday, (giant hero sandwiches and canoli for lunch, tapas for dinner in Pasadena) that I ended up fasting all day Monday.
I eat a lot of pasta and drink tons of espresso when I visit my gramma, but my favorite part is when we watch soccer on RAI and she starts yelling at the T.V., and explains the game to me.
My parents have long since moved out of the house that I grew up in, and all of my childhood heirlooms now live in a medium-sized box in their garage. Every time I go home, my Dad pulls out the box and makes me go through the contents to see if I still want to keep them. The box contains only: my first pair of ballet pointe shoes, my junior year yearbook, my prom dress, three photo albums, my favorite doll, and the ashes of my dead childhood dog. And every time we do this, I reaffirm that I want to keep all items and which causes us to get in a fight.
To him, it’s a box of smelly shoes and dead animals that takes up valuable space in his garage.
Every time I visit with my mom, I drink. A lot. We also like to talk about the different medications we are taking to "stay even."
My parents are from a small town and they have interesting taste in restaurants. "Nice" to them is Hometown Buffet. So whenever I go home, we usually go to Hometown Buffet. And I like it.
My dad retired and bought a house in Rosarito, so when we go visit him all we do is drink. There is not much else to do over there.
My sister and I love board games, so that's a tradition between us. We have pretty intense Scrabble games.
as a tradition....getting christmas tree with my bros...
family in general...probably christmas dinner at the buddhist temple
i know its generic...but all the other typical things i do when i go home are more like routine than tradition...
Not having an answer for this question is really fucking with me.
I was just thinking exactly what Jake wrote.
We talk on the porch after dinner, while they usually get drunk... i love it.
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