Question #139 Old Photos
What was the most regrettable photograph ever taken of you? What made it so bad? Feel free to post the picture if you have it.
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What was the most regrettable photograph ever taken of you? What made it so bad? Feel free to post the picture if you have it.
asked by
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
I didn't know it at the time, but there was about a four year period that coincided with my college years, where I was hellbent on not taking a good picture. During this time, there was one particular night outside of the Cat Club I took a drunk picture with my group of friends. After the picture was developed we went through the roll recognizing each person until we stopped at what looked like a toothless, homeless hooker. It was me. That picture usually makes it's rounds accompanied by different versions of the same joke which usually go something like this, "who is that toothless whore who jumped in the picture?" or "where is sarah? I thought she was there that night?" Or Blake's favorite, "who is that dude?"
Oh, there are so many. One in particular was taken by my friend Molly in a bar in L.A. about 5 years ago. I'm reaaaaalllleee happy in this photo, sitting in a chair in the corner, blissfully ignorant of:
1. A 1/2 bottle of beer I had spilled on my cheesy Paul Frank shirt.
2. My messy hair
3. A large portion of my pale white belly being exposed. (The cheesy t-shirt was too small for me.)
4. A photo being taken.
most definitely my 4th grade class picture. i had just gotten the worst haircut a few days prior (basically, a modified bowlcut)-- a cut so terrible that i refused to believe how bad it was until i saw in print. also, i was wearing a purple and black striped t-shirt and a unicorn necklace. i still have nightmares.
I suspect Phil of putting up this question in order to root out a particular photo of me.
It was taken in 2000 or 2001, in front of the now-closed Cala Foods on Geary & 4th Avenue in S.F. I was pretty drunk, and I'd just shoved an entire package of Hostess Donettes into my mouth while my friends sprayed my face with selzer water when Peter decided to capture the moment for all time.
It's a great photo, but not in any way that flatters me.
You know that tour rule, that if you take your shoes off before you drunkenly pass out on the bus, no one can fuck with you (i.e. draw vulgar body parts on your face, spill beer on you, create a hysterical scene around you while you sleep, TAKE YOUR PICTURE)? Well, I happened to work for a band that was too drunk/stupid to remember that rule. So there's a picture of me, passed out in the back lounge, upside down with my BARE, UNSHOED feet pressed against the window and my head dangling off the couch, skirt bunched up around my ass, shirt up over my head (which I am positive I did NOT do!)... pretty much looking like dead hooker.
The best part about it... my dad saw it before I did. Yeah. Awesome.
Slim's Staff Xmas Party, 1992. I was about 18 drinks in before they poured me into a cab. I hooked up with my future ex wife that night. After this picture was taken i cracked my cheekbone on the bar. link to the badness here The friend in the pic is not my ex wife. It's Suzanne, who was and is awesome. look at the chick behind me for the general tone of disapproval.
There is a picture of me naked and wet.
In mine, there are a few Hawaiian leis, a baseball cap + a few things present that should not be / a few things that should be present that are not.
All the pictures of me doing the Nazi saulte, including the one where I'm wearing a ski mask under a cowboy hat.
I was on a High School Chior Trip to Washington DC (stop snickering), and for some reason I decided to run up and down the Hotel hallways in only a woman's softball jersey (#69) and a thong, and a friend(?) snapped a shot.
Luckily he was behind me, but there was no denying who's pasty white ghetto flabulous hiney it was.
Second to that, is just about any time I get into a photobooth with Nice Guy Brandon.
when i had very short black hair. not a good look on me :(
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