Question #132 Homes and houses
This is a question about your dream home. What's it like and what's your favorite room there?
*Super bonus plus: What city/country/region is it in?
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This is a question about your dream home. What's it like and what's your favorite room there?
*Super bonus plus: What city/country/region is it in?
asked by
Monday, September 24, 2007
A big house on a hill overlooking the vineyards and redwoods. Probably Mendocino County. Corinthian style columns and a huge screened in front porch with a swing and a weeping willow tree in the front yard. I know that's a little cheesy but it's a dream, right? Oh, and my favorite room is the bank room which has a huge safe full of money for me to use at my leisure.
A big creepy mansion with creaky floors and a fireplace out in the country. It would have to have secret passages, a revolving bookcase and trapdoors.
Phil, you want to live in the Clue House? Creepy.
My dream home would be somehwere in California overlooking the ocean, or near a decent burrito place...either or.
My favorite "room" would be the backyard where I will have a firepit and jacuzzi...sigh.
*San Francisco/Marine would be amazing!
Yes, Northern California would be an ideal place for my craftsman-style manse that's filled with mid-century modern furniture and plants and sunlight. My favorite room besides the giant kitchen would be my study where I keep all my books and Tim Burton dolls. The backyard will have a moonbounce and bocce ball court.
My dream home would be a large mansion in upstate New York. It would have a field for baseball games, a basketball court, a greenhouse-type room on the uppermost floor, a tunnel underneath that goes all the way to Manhattan, a hangar and a room (my favorite) where hard-light holographic technology would be employed in creating realistic fighting scenarios for honing my combat abilities.
Or... An immaculately-preserved Victorian, probably somewhere between Delores and Market streets-- within a few blocks of 18th-- in San Francisco. My favorite room would probably be the teleportation chamber.
I would also like to add a couple things.
A large pool in the back where there will be a board so my friends and I can play Gladiator-type games like in "Knocked Up". In addition, a large linoleum floor space for Cowboy Ice Skating. This is a a game where we pour oil (conola oil preferred) onto the floor. Everybody stands in a circle, while the middle person (wearing cowboys boots) is pushed around by the people around them. That would be my fav activity in my dream house.
omg, Tomo let's not wait for your dreamhouse and play Cowboy Ice Skating this weekend!
Mine would be a slightly dilapidated castle in the English country side; with lots of secret rooms and hidden passage ways, made of stone and marble, tons of staircases all over, and would be surrounded by lots of parks and gardens.
My favorite room would be the library, which would exactly like the library in Beauty and the Beast and I could swing and dance and sing on all of rolling ladders.
Though I would like to visit Tomo often to Cowboy Ice Skate with her.
I spend way too much time thinking about this very thing, dreaming what I'd do with a lottery winning.......
My dream house is in Howth, Ireland, which is a fishing village about a half hour from Dublin.
It's a two story stone cottage with two or three fireplaces, overlooking the Irish Sea. Close enough to the harbor so that if I open the windows, I can hear the clanging of the riggings. It's modern inside so that it's comfortable, but rustic enough to seem like it's in place. It has a front porch for me and my husband to have some beer on, and a small but quaint backyard that has tons of overgrown plants.
One of the fireplaces is in the dining room. The top floor has a pitched roof inside so the the bedrooms have fun little nooks and areas you have to duck down in.
The playboy mansion. The grotto is definitely my favorite ;)
My dream home would be satellite station accessible only by space elevator.
I would be self-sustainable using an advanced system of hydroponics(!) and would harvest solar dust for rare elements using a special filtering collector sail attached to the top of station.
For sure there I would have a large room used for zero G games a la Ender's game but without the xenophobic ramifications. Also a cavernous room devoted to my extensive collection of working printing presses from the 18th and 19th centuries. These I would have brought up the well at great expense (from the profits of the solar dust harvesting operation).
These wouldn't be my favorite rooms however. My favorite room would be the well of loneliness which I would retreat to for weeks at a time.
I forgot to add that my only companions would be a collection of self-built robot androids and I would refuse to have any communication with people except for via an antique teletype machine. People would put up with this because of the intensely rare nature of my space dust and the large array of patents I owned in the realms of filtering techniques and artificial skin.
joe wins
Something whimsical, tall, and covered in ivy (outside, that is), with lots of spiral staircases, sunlight, a huge kitchen, and a roof-level patio. It would be in a city (in the northwest), but similar to a 17th cent. French hôtel - a garden in the city. Oh, yes, somewhere there would be a trampoline.
Or...a huge cabin with unnecessarily huge windows in Colorado. I could play outside all day. Also, a trampoline.
I don't feel comfortable living in a big house or mansion. That's not for me. And I need to live in a home and a place that inspires creativity (for the arts and for business).
So my dream home is giant live-work space in a big city. Maybe in Los Angeles, San Francisco or NYC. There would probably be a room or two but mostly separated areas in a large open space with really tall ceilings and maybe a loft area.
Well, I would have two pads.
The first would be a super sick studio in a high rise building in Manhattan overlooking all the city lights. I would only have a bed, mini-kitchen, and a huge closet. It would soley be an art studio.
The second would be a huge ranch in Inverness, CA. It would be built with recycled wood and have solar powered lighting, and hot water. I would have access to a mini beach, and lots of land for my miniature ponys, pigmy donkeys, pigs, and pugs. I would have an organic farm and sell my produce at local farmer markets.
k i think thats it.
Oh man, this is the question for me. I want a castle on a hill on at least 150 acres of woodland that has rivers and streams, and maybe a lake (and I'll own all the land).
I want secret passageways, and a moat that is actually a pool that has jets that all shoot in one direction. Then you could float in an intertube around the castle. Both the front and back will have a large stone archway over the moat to walk to the front and back doors.
It will have a giant jacuzzi in one of the upper towers, and the top of the tower will all be windows, so you have a 360 degree view of my vast amount of land.
Every room will have a fireplace. I will have a huge great room with three fireplaces, with a double staircase leading up to the next level. It will be at least four stories, and have a courtyard and a library up a winding staircase in one of the towers.
My bedroom will have a giant roof/patio area opening off of it, so I can sit outside and see the woods.
I have no idea where I want this to be. Somehwere mountainy/woodsy that has beautiful seasons, that hopefully doesn't snow too much. Somewhere warm enough to enjoy hiking and the water.
Someone else has a bit of the same idea as me. Mine won't be dilapitated, though. It'll be built just for me, so it's warm and dry rather than dank and dreary. It will have lots of stone and wood and marble.
In Nova Scotia, near Mahone Bay. Lots of islands travel is done mostly by boat.
There are phospherescence (sp??) in the water at night, and a very clear milky way and sometimes the aroraborialis (sp? ) too.
I want a 4,000 sq foot single story home made completely of skyscraper windows so when inside it looks like you are outside and when outside the glass reflects the wilderness. The interior will be a mix of modern and organic. Lots of fireplaces. The shower will be slate or stone and nickle and totally amazing with those spouts that spray water in every directon. Or maybe one of those waterfall ones.
mmmm hmmm. totally.
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