Question #130 Coffee
Tell me about the best coffee.
Focus on the best one cup of coffee that you have ever had? If you can remember it.
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Tell me about the best coffee.
Focus on the best one cup of coffee that you have ever had? If you can remember it.
asked by
Thursday, September 20, 2007
When I worked at Peet's Coffee, we made our own chcolate with cocoa powder and sugar. I used to heat up a coffee cup and pour a thin layer of chocolate to coat the bottom. Then I would pull two perfect shots of expresso, mix it with the chocolate and pour in a tiny bit of soy.
It was THE BEST coffee everrrr. Yum.
I typically love Peats Coffee for being reliably good every time. However the best cup I remember having was at a truck stop outside of Bakersfield. It was thick, muddy and a tasted like the beans were slightly burnt, but with two packets of Splenda (I know) it made for an unbelievably good cup of joe. I think I drank 4 cups before jittering out and back on the freeway. I think coffee is best without chocolate or other flavors added. I want to taste coffee for the coffee flavor itself, not mask it.
Tomo will you pull me a perfect shot someday?
My favorite is the one I make every morning. Medaglia D'Oro espresso on a stovetop percolator with soy milk. It's literally my prime motivator for leaving my bed.
I drink tea because I banned myself from coffee and energy drinks. Anyone who has been around me when I drink them knows why.
That said, the best coffee I ever had was as a kid, when I first drank it. My dad took me to Spain when I was maybe 13 years old so he could visit some old friends.
We took an overnight flight and couldn't check into a hotel noon of the next day. We walked around the whole city from dawn. He took me to this big Cafe in Madrid that was full of people shouting and drinking coffee and he told me that this was the best coffee in town and even though i don't drink coffee I should get it, especially cause it would help me stay awake.
It was cafe con leche and I put some sugar in it and I drank it and listened to all the people talking in this really fast Madrid way that's hard to understand.
It tasted a bit bitter but not too much, like coffee is supposed to I guess, better than the coffee you could get in my hometown at the time. It stood out to me then I guess cause it was the first really good cup of coffee I'd ever had.
the best coffee i have had in a looooong time is located near at&t park in sf (home of the sf giants and greenday shows). i think it's on the corner of 3rd and berry on the T line. i'm not recalling the name of it at this time, but it's by far the best coffee i've had in many many years. the sweet and milky turkish coffee will make your mouth make that slapping sound. be sure to go with a friend and please remind me of the name.
I'm not feeling Peet's. Too bitter.
I don't know if it's the necessarily the best cup of coffee, but the most remarkable one I had-- or series of them-- was when I was in Sumatra a couple years ago.
Pretty much everywhere, coffee was made "cowboy" style (no straining; the grounds and water are just boiled together and left together). Since there aren't a lot of dairy cows in Sumatra, or as much refrigeration as most of us are used to, regular-ass homogenized milk doesn't really exist there, either. Condensed milk is used instead. And "natural" sugar is used instead of the refined variety.
When you finish the cub, there's a thick layer of coffee ground/condensed milk/sugar sludge at the bottom. It's like rocket fuel and it tastes awesome.
going with peet's. french pressed major dickason's blend has been keeping me happy for about 15 years now.
there was that one turkish at ye olde ren faire. that might have been about cleavage.
This was a toughie because I have worked in about 4 coffee shops over the course of my glowing career... I have to say that one I really crave is the Soy Spanish Latte at Urth Caffe in West Hollywood. It's basically a quality latte (good beans, good soya) with a dash of sweetened condensed milk to sweeten it just enough. The added bonus is that they are very good at foam there, and make it into pretty designs of ferns or leaves.
The best cup of coffee I've ever had has to be a blend called Mocha Nut Fudge. It's not really that sweet and it's amazing without sugar but a little cream. The only thing is: I can't enjoy this particular cup of coffee unless I'm at home. Anywhere else, it doesn't feel the same. And college coffee just sucks! Bottom line. Don't do that shit!
This is the wussiest answer you will ever get, and I'm a little ashamed of myself, but:
I don't drink coffee because it upsets my tummy.
I am a sucker for coffee you get at diners.
The best cup of coffee I ever had was at this diner near me called Cassidys. And it was nothing special, no better or worse than the coffee I'd had at any other place, except I drank it slowly over a breakfast with friends and that just made it all taste better. If I had to remember a cup of coffee, it would be the coffee from Cassidys the morning I realized I had met the man I was going to marry.
Jake, do you remember the poo coffee at the critic? The Daily Show came to Ukiah and did an interview about it with Tankass.. Not only did it come from poop but if I remember correctly it tasted like poop also. eww!
cafe con leche in paris at some random bar/coffee shop on way to louvre...
no idea what the place was called...but it was good and i went before and after the museum trip
Prof. Fancy Pants,
Philz Coffee @ 4th and Berry. They make a good cup if you are into that style, though Blue Bottle is the best in SF. Hands down.
(Caroline on here sent me the link, and I was browsing, thought I could help name that place)
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