Question #94 Cake
What sort of cake do you prefer for your birthday?
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What sort of cake do you prefer for your birthday?
asked by
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Cake is gross.
I honestly don't have much of a preference when it comes to cake. As long as it wasn't cheesecake, I think I'd be cool.
Ice cream cake!
I second Ariel's.
I wish I could have wedding cake for my birthday. Wedding cake is so good.
white with vanilla frosting. i'm not that big on cake, though.
I used to like 'Black Forest' cake when I was a lad. Dark chocolate and cherries or something like that. Now I prefer booze.
I also have to say Ice cream cake
i am big fan of marble chocalate cake...kind of anything chocalate doe sthe trick for me.
red velvet cake. it's more or less white cake with red #40.
Any cake given to me with love...
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