Question #115 Signature
What does your E-mail signature look like? What do you think it says about you? Feel free to give examples of others' signatures and comment on them as well.
Every weekday, a new question for you to answer posted by one of us. Comments, questions or suggestions all go to the message board.
What does your E-mail signature look like? What do you think it says about you? Feel free to give examples of others' signatures and comment on them as well.
asked by
Thursday, August 30, 2007
I don't have one but if I did it would be a legal disclaimer saying that the opinions expressed in the email were only mine.
I don't like when people send me an email and it says "Yahoo! free email service is blasting off!" cause sometimes people send me serious emails the reminder about being blasted away by Yahoo! wrecks it.
I don't have one, either. I probably should have one for my "business" email account, but haven't set anything up yet.
Sometimes when people have a link for their signature (especially in the case of Google Talk), I mistakenly think they're sending me a message with that link as the text. But it's my fault that I'm a dimwit, not theirs.
I just want people to look at my website, and by extension give me feedback (or $$) on my work. The "i operate cameras" means I am a bit whimsical and don't take my self too seriously. Mine reads:
pete geniella
"i operate cameras"
Tomo Hiratsuka
phone / (001) 212 710 63xx
cell / (001) 917 805 06xx
fax / (001) 212 226 26xx
399 Broadway, 5th Floor
New York New York 10013
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
-The font is in helvetica and the color is light grey. It does not show up here, but the "P" is an image of a green tree.
The IT guy constantly emails the entire staff pleading to everyone that they must have uniform signatures. Sometimes we are told to reply back to these emails so he can check....damn the man, save the empire.
"If a psychiatric and scientific inquiry were to be made upon our rulers, mankind would be appalled at the disclosures."
Alfred Korzybski
I don't think enough people are hip to Korzybski. He was one smart fellow.Says I'm a snooty smart-ass.
also, sorry for bogarting your right-column last night.
I don't have one either, besides the one with contact info that I use for my work email. I usually sign with just a "-" before my name or a "xoxo." No righteous quotes or anything.
I haven't had one for years, but in high school it said,
"Jump up and down, dance on the couch, stuff a potato in your mouth..."
Because I was a nerdy Screeching Weasel fan and thought that was a rad line. Yup.
i sign everything with my first name. nothing else. i mean, do i need to write my email address under that?? because they can just hit reply, you know?
last names are for people with boring first names. just kidding..but i only use my first name.
i once created a .sig file for my science life that includes my full name, email and phone number. typically, i find myself deleting all three lines before i send an email. so i guess it's like having nothing at all. i think all emails should end like this:
full name
lycos homepage
myspace webpage
orkut profile name
work number
fax number
home phone number
cell number
secondary email
where you like to eat lunch
some random quote that tells people you email that you think about life.
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." -Gandhi
I have gone with these in my younger fresher-faced days:
I had a script that rotated through them along with a misc quote from Callie Smith. I accidentally sent the bottom one to my Grandma once.
I don't use one for personal email. The one I'm required to use at work is absurd. We're only allowed to use first names and they have to be in pink. This is followed by title, company name, company tag line (also in pink), and then about a mile and a half of "buzz" which lists all of the press we've gotten recently. It gets updated everytime we're in a new magazine article. Finally, under all of that is our office address, phone, fax, website, etc.
This communication is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of the communication is strictly prohibited.
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