Question #112 Breakfast
What is your favorite morning cereal, and why?
*Bonus: Do you always eat breakfast every morning?
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What is your favorite morning cereal, and why?
*Bonus: Do you always eat breakfast every morning?
asked by
Monday, August 27, 2007
I think my favorite cereal is Cracklin' Oat Bran. I'm not sure why. Could have something do do with the flavor, or maybe the fact that you actually feel like you've eaten something after having a bowl of it.
I always in breakfast, even if I wake up around lunch time.
I do not eat breakfast everyday.
I lurrrrve Smart Start cereal with soy milk. It also makes you poop the second your done with a bowl. What a refreshing way to start the morning!
cocoa pebbles and fruity pebbles are my favorite but i'm not allowed to buy them because we are supposed to eat healthy.
Wheat Chex. Wheat Chex makes my day, although sometimes I switch it out cause a few years ago they changed up the recipe and it's not as good. What makes it the best cereal is the subtle way that it's sweetened.
Breakfast is mandatory!
chex is great! also, i agree with jake about cracklin' oat bran, but unfortunately, it's terrible for you, so i never have it.
i have special k (no milk) and a banana each morning. i usually drink water or green tea with it.
cinamon life is my fave, I like the idea of filling up a metal lunch box full of it, taking it to school, filling it up with milk and then eating directly out of it. If I had a metal lunch box and was a kid who went to school.
I eat breakfast every morning and switch cereals every few months. Right now I like "Puffins," (flavored puffed rice) the proceeds of which go to rescue the Puffin Birds of Maine. I didn't know about these birds before I ate the cereal.
This is the sexiest topic ever, by the way. I think Tomo made a new bar and raised it a little?
steel cut (not instant!) oatmeal with soymilk and agave nectar. I always have brekkie. Along the same lines as this question...check out this rad photo project by Jon Huck. He took portraits of randoms and then a portrait of their breakfast.
all about apecial k with strawberries and i wont go to work unless i eat breakfast cuz i have a really shitty job
granola with some raisins and honey.
and, I don't eat breakfast daily, but I try.
oatmeal with frozen blueberries
oatmeal with frozen blueberries
I've been obsessed with Kix ever since I was a kid. Except it doesn't last in my house for very long. I'll eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even a light snack in between.
If I ever was up early enough for breakfast, I would eat it. Other than that, I just say I eat right when I get up.
Frosted mini-wheats all day. They are the best blend of health and fun. Its like your wheat side is all: "Oh it is high in fiber, oh well better get back to watching this documentary on quilting" and your sugar side is like: "Fuck yeah dude sugar cereal; lets do bong rips."
The sugar side is held to the wheat by a thin layer of gelatin. Still the boxes call to me as I walk down the cereal aisle. Sometimes I cave and get the box but then i have to chant "this is probably the kind of gelatin they make from sea-weed" in my head while i am eating it to make myself feel better.
Recently I have discovered that the organic version of FMW does not contain the gelatin. This causes the sugar to immediately be dissolved in the milk leaving you with sweet milk and regular, non-frosted, mini-wheats. I still get it though because then I can eat it guilt, and sea-weed, free.
hey fritch-- interesting web site you got going here. umm im gunna try to answer this question. you know i never even tried grits and all that stuff until i met you. ive never really done cereal. i think cereal is an amerian thing, right? in the states i usually wake up in time for lunch, which works for me, because breakfast is the boring-est meal of the day. but in indo, the roosters and the call to prayer wake me up at 4:30 am. for breakfast i eat fried tofu, fried rice, and vegetable curry for breakfast. and lunch. and dinner. i wouldnt say no to a bowl of cereal right about now. but that would be pretty difficult because um people dont have fridges, so they all use that powdered milk stuff. ok, enjoy your cereal for me! xxx
used to be peanut butter cap'n crunch. now it's those big-ass shredded wheat blocks.
breakfast? everyday? don't be ridiculous. of course. my favorite cereal is puffed kamut with fruits and rice milk. recently, due to my lavish, all inclusive lifestyle, i've been enjoying white rice with rice milk. mmnnn... taste the luxury.
Frosted Flakes, cause it is sweet and crunchy... but only if you want it to be... you can determine the level of crunchiness by timing the amount of time it sits in the milk... also, the milk tastes awesome afterwards... nice and sweet
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