Thursday, August 23, 2007

Question #110 Evolution

When was the last time you spoke with someone on the subject of evolution who holds different beliefs than your own on the matter, and who was that person?*

*Not their actual name, of course.


Anonymous said...

Is this a tie-in to question #109?

philip said...

I talked to a high school student when I was teaching named Anonymous who doesn't believe in evolution. He thinks the earth is 5,000 years old and that fossils were left here to by God to test our faith.

pete g said...

I tend to avoid this type of conversation. I was generally brought up to not discuss religion, money or politics in polite company. It's a bit of weakness given the current state of things, because these things need to be discussed. On the other hand, there's no way a single conversation can change such firmly held beliefs as religious or political persuasion.

I can think of many relatives, coworkers, etc that firmly believe in creationism. It makes my day easier if I don't know exactly what they believe.

Around these parts (Texas) I feel like at any moment I could be talking Creation with a total stranger. Yikes.

Sorry for not directly answering the question

Anonymous said...

i can't remember, really. i think i may have blocked such a conversation out. it also probably involved me banging my head against the wall.

Anonymous said...

About a week ago, with my good friend Chase. He believes in God and totally scoffs at the idea of the Big Bang, and I tried to negotiate the idea of evolution just being a really fucked up version of adaptation that Darwin came up with to piss everyone off on purpose. The night ended in tragedy.

JennGerVitis said...

The other day the lady at the crime lab told me that she does not believe in evolution because sharks and alligators and crocodiles have not evolved and therefore people must not have.

Phoebe said...

Jeez Louise. Has this crime lab lady ever Googled "prehistoric shark?" Has she ever seen a Geico commercial with cavemen in it?

I once worked with a girl whom I suspected was an idiot because she was a young Republican Poli-Sci major at USC. I didn't want to be mean and pre-judge her, but on the day she announced she didn't believe in evolution, and rather, creation, I decided she was totally stupid and I didn't feel bad about it.

P.S. we were interns at a record label in L.A. and had the creation discussion while shipping Ice Cube posters, it was surreal.

Anonymous said...

prehistoric shark!

Anonymous said...

Being a young, hip, urban liberal, pretty much EVERYONE I come in contact with believes differently than me, because they are also hip, urban, liberals. I'm the freak, I believe in God, and I believe in Creationism.

I will say, it's not that I don't believe in evolution. I don't believe you have to believe in one at the exclusion of the other.

So answer the question........uhm, EVERYONE I KNOW except my parents.

Anonymous said...

Today. With several people (whose names I don't know, anyway. It was a very fascinating and nonviolent discussion.) I personally believe that humans and animals have evolved over time. I also believe in God. Hmm...

Nate Geniella said...

uhm, i think its been a while..i can't remember...i avoid these conversations because i hate ignorance...anyways...i believe it was in highschool biology...way back when with that one girl who i honestly don't remember's name.

Phoebe said...

Smarmy Mama: Calling people "stupid" for their beliefs isn't very hip or liberal of me, so I apologize for being so crass in my previous comment.

Because I'm curious how you reconcile between Creation and Evolution: Do you mean you believe Evolution is a perfectly valid theory, but you also believe God is responsible for entire process?

AZT said...

Usually, I never run into someone who holds completely different views of evolution than I, and when I do it is easy to put them off. A few months ago I met a...very distinctive man who said that he did not believe in macroevolution (specifically) as it is logically unfalsifiable, he then went on to explain exactly why he thought this and why...although he did believe in evolution itself through natural selection, this should not and to him it does not extend to the evolution of a complex mechanism such as the eye and obviously not the human species.

Joe said...
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Joe said...

Last week I tried to make Phil believe in evolution showing him pictures of finches and doing drug resistance tests with bacteria.

All he did was laugh derisively and say "Joe do you really believe we used to live in trees?"

Anonymous said...

A few months ago, it was my girlfriend... we decided to never ever mention this topic again...