Thursday, July 5, 2007

Question #75 Death

What happens to you when you die?


Anonymous said...

nothing spiritual, i don't believe. i think if you're buried, you decompose and if you're cremated, you settle in a jar on someone's mantle, or in their garage, or something.

pete g said...

Despite my rather thorough Catholic upbringing, I too believe it's lights out. You live on in the hearts and minds of others. That's a good enough explanation of a "soul" for me.

When someone passes, it is very comforting to think of them being "in a better place." I wouldn't go so far as to imagine a loved one sitting on a cloud playing a harp in a three piece with Jesus on drums and Moses on leads...I like to think of it more as shuffling off the old mortal coil. Life is hard and wonderful, a series of sufferings and joys, and after a lifetime of such, a stop to all this is a nice thing.

viktor said...

phil, when you die, i will have sex with your corpse. when i die, i hope you do the same.

Phoebe said...

Whenever my gramma feels slighted by me in some way, she will say, "When I die, you cry!"

polish sausage queen said...

I go back to the ocean ...

Unknown said...

Hopefully, Valhalla.

Anonymous said...

You get filled with chemicals, and either burned up and pollute the air or buried and pollute the ground water. Then the people that (pretend) they knew you also pretend they loved you and are sad your gone and say or write nice things about you that they never said to your face so they can get lots of sympathy/attention. Even though 2 weeks prior they were pissed off at you and calling you an asshole or a cunt.