Question #74 Birds
Many people don't like birds. I think they are alright, they're just trying to do their own thing, represent their culture etc. What are your favorite and least favorite birds?
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Many people don't like birds. I think they are alright, they're just trying to do their own thing, represent their culture etc. What are your favorite and least favorite birds?
asked by
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
I really enjoy raptors - pretty much any bird of prey rips.
ostriches are OK, because they could really kick the shit out of you.
I don't really find penguins cute, but I respect the emperor variety for their relaxed approach to gender roles in child-rearing, and because they can get up to 5 feet tall, which I think would freak me out pretty bad if I saw it in real life. I mean, that's above waist high. that's a penguin you could play ping-pong with. if it had arms, I mean.
the rest I am, at best, indifferent to.
oh man, nothing would be more awesome than a 5-foot tall penguin. basically, i totally admire and respect any bird that is tall enough to satisfy the height requirements for most amusement rides.
anyway, my least-favorite birds are the sickly, dying ones on the sidewalk, or the steps at my place ONLY because i am afraid they have some weird illness and some bug from it is going to lump out and bite me and i'll get flesh-eating disease, or something. and, as stated above, my favorite birds are the really tall, awesome ones.
I love birds! They are delicious! In fact, I've never eaten a bird I didn't like.
I am bros with the Red Tail Hawks that nest in the power line tower behind my work. I watch them swoop down on varmint in the creek bed. Sometimes one will circle over my head watching me from 100' up. They are really beautiful. I think they like me because they know I like their beer.
Birds are freaky dinosaur monsters, but I love everything on this planet, even dirty filthy pigeons.
Birds of prey are the awesomest, I agree. I like hawks and owls a lot. Condors are pretty cool, but I think they are mainly scavengers, which is lowlier than a predator and makes me think of them as the hyenas of the sky. But I appreciate they are endangered.
Bald Eagles are quite striking even if you look at them outside the context of unfurling American flags and trumpets and stuff, or the intro of the Colbert Report.
In closing, I hate pigeons, as I'm sure anyone who's ever walked a city block or sat in a park might. They are the rats of the sky, but they don't even have the decency to hide from humans most of the time and skitter away when they are confronted by one. People who stand in the middle of St. Peters Square in Venice and let the pigeons sit on them and stuff should be pecked to death.
Though Phoebe, and I’m sure many of you, have an intense hatred for the pigeons, I would like to refer you all to my answer to Question #43 and reiterate: pigeons are delicious.
On the subject of pigeons, the guest on this radio show hollers that they are as important to the history of our civilization as dogs or horses. Homeboy wrote a book called "Pigeons: The Fascinating Saga of the World's Most Revered and Reviled Bird". It's an interesting discussion:
I too think that pigeons are kind of flying rats, but after listening to this, my perspective changed a bit.
Everything about bird is evil and has to be extinguished! The more exotic the bird, the more right to exist it has, the pigeon being zero. However, as soon as I see bird shit, it will die. they also cannot move and fuck around with thier feathers, which will only spread diseases. What the hell are feathers anyway???? Whatever happened to hair?? And what is up with mixing shit and piss in ONE????!!!! Fucking birds... i hate them all!!
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