Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Question #59 Underwear

if it is really hot and you are wearing jeans and riding a bike, is it appropriate to take them off and ride in your underwear?


tariann said...

yes, as long as you then pull the underwear up your butt, stick your ass up in the air and ride up and down melrose repeatedly

anniemariesf said...

If "you" is you, Phil, it is completely acceptable.

Anonymous said...

only if they're really brightly-colored manties.

TLR said...


Joe said...

Maybe this http://www.flickr.com/photos/joeym/554167382/ hott phote changes your minds?

Holly said...

hmmmm... sure. but you'll get an awful rash.

Anonymous said...

Only if your a split tail, other wise the cops is gonna get you for lude gay behavior like those senators!

Anonymous said...

I think it is... As long as nothing is falling out. But this is America! You should be able to ride in your underwear wherever you want!!