Thursday, June 7, 2007

Question #56 Cable

Why should I get cable?


Nate Geniella said...

Lost rules....but you can watch that on the internet now...even legally on
also, its always sunny in philadelphia is hilarious... and thats on FX...

there isn't really a good reason to get cable though.

Anonymous said...

Haven't you ever heard that theory about how when a man wipes his butt in New York it somehow affects the sheet trying in the wind in Nambia (or something like that)?

You need to get cable so you don't kill a bird in Germany.

Anonymous said...

yeah, i agree with nate about f/x. i mean, i like some scattered things on cable, like the "daily show" and the all news stations, but most of the series worth watching are easily netflixed. that's what i do.

tariann said...

Is "it's always sunny.." on for another season? I miss that show!

Phil, We have cable mostly for HBO and the Beeb

TLR said...

Phil... can you say... "The Wire?!"

ching said...

Footballers Wives

Anonymous said...

For the same reason you were glued to my TV when you lived at my place and told me 20x/day how much you have to get cable!!!
but seriously, going from no cable to having cable is like stepping off the boat on Miami's shore after hiding out in a container for 3 weeks...