Question #38 Punching
When was the last time you punched someone?
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When was the last time you punched someone?
asked by
Friday, May 11, 2007
dude, i've never punched anyone. i think about it often. i really want to punch someone and also get punched in the face so i can have a black eye
Not to sound tough or mysterious, but the last time I punched someone, it was bad. I was living at home, prolly fall of 00. That event really crystallized my desire to leave that small town.
i've never done this. i'd probably be too afraid to get someone's blood on me.
4th grade. not a proud moment. i didn't get in trouble.
When I was 13 or 14 I punched my (older) sister in the face and she got a bloody nose.
The last person I punched was you, about five years ago. This doesn't include people telling me to punch them at different slo-mo levels so that they can show me the karate move they learned.
A few years ago. While passing a guy with my girl friend on the street, he looked at me and talked shit just like that, for no reason... So I decided to punch him in the face.
Several reason why:
1) it was in Berlin, Germany, which means the worst thing that could happen to me if I get convicted of anything, is 30 minutes ciommunity service
2) the guy was a Turk/Arab, so I had God on my side... as a matter of fact, it was my duty to punch him in the face!
3) the guy was ahead shorter than me and I just can't have him give me shit, especially in front of my girl
4) I knew that the cop would be on my side... it was funny how they cuffed him with a knee on his face, despite me punching him... Ahh, good ol' racism...
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