Question #27 Shoelessness
How long could you go without wearing shoes, realistically?
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How long could you go without wearing shoes, realistically?
asked by
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I like not wearing shoes, so I say: quite a while—a whole summer for example.
although, most likely I wouldn't be allowed to public establishments, thank to no shoes no t-shirt rules. so I'd have to cheat from time to time, when I was dying of thirst and I needed to purchase a bottle of water at a deli.
i can't go anywhere outside with no shoes on...i have sensitive i'll say like 2 hours
i will never not wear shoes. ever heard of a little thing called ring worm? plus, who wants to lick dirty feet? put some shoes on, please.
as stated long as i didn't have to walk into any sort of establishment or cross a field of broken glass...a long fucking time. My feet prefer to be naked.
in NYC, not very long. yuck. have you ever seen how dirty someone's feet are when all they wear are flipflops?
i even wear houseshoes cuz there is always weird bits of stuff on my floors no matter how much i sweep.
in florida, however, a full day, depending on where i am (home, beach, driving). unless there is black asphalt involved. ouch.
time==space, to the distance of my house+yard.
until i leave the house.
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