Question #22 Pets
I always say I want to have a dog but I think it's an act of cruelty to have a dog in NYC. Cats make my eyes itch. So, since whatever pet I would have is purely theoretical anyways, I may as well let my mind roam when it comes to animals I could live with. Today's question is, should I adopt Charmander, a fictional cartoon lizard or Knut, the baby polar bear who lives in the Berlin Zoo?
both are aesthetically pleasing, so it a draw there. on the con side is that charmander will eventually burn your apartment down, while knut will inevitably bite your face off. i guess what it comes down to is: do you have renters' insurance?
knut is less rockabilly but he does receive death threats, which is pretty cool. i'm gonna say knut.
what amy said.
i personally would go with Knut because it is my fantasy to kiss a baby polar bear on the nose. WOOKIT HIM!! SO CUTE!!
Charmander. Hands down. Polar bears are hella mean when they grow up.
As where Pokemon never age and are very loyal.
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