Question #15 Time Machine
While you are taking a shortcut home across the street from a hardware store you find an abandoned time machine. The owners must have left it and decided to stay in our current era permanently. It looks like an old refrigerator, the kind that kids are supposed to not play hide and seek in. It has really simple controls, just like in the movies. Just a few dials for year and month and location and then a big red button marked "go".
What time period do you go to? What do you bring?
I'd set it ahead to 2100.
I'd probably pack a couple sandwiches. I'd want a sleeping bag, and a pillow. Some warm clothes too, cause who knows how cold it'll be.
I'd want to bring a book, just in case you have time to kill. Ideally you won't have any time to kill because you'll be so blown away by your surroundings that all you'll want to look, but who can assume these things.
Your money's going to be worthless, or at least worth very little. If you're smart then you opened a savings account or something lame like that, so you won't have to worry about money.
Probably want to bring some bottled water. Maybe the water has gone bad. We have no idea what state the planet is going to be in. Fresh water could come in handy.
What more could you need? You have no idea. Just don't be a dumbass I guess. That's more important than anything else.
Just as soon as this thought fluttered out of Janus' mind, he found himself noticing the return of his breath and the beating of his heart. A choice -- one altogether new to him and bringing him to consider many things outside of his usual neurological pattern -- stared him in the face with the heat of a thousand suns. The deliberateness of the moment took a hold of him; he gripped the ice-crusher controls and took a step back for one final assesment.
The world folded away from Janus' mind and his body peeled away from itself in a swaying, calm remove. A long black silence, a sense of no-sight, and at last a cool dry wind with the feeling of oblique, morning light dimming on the horizon. Janus was flying at an incredible speed.
In one instant, Janus knew what he had to do. He rubbed his head, swept away the woolen blankets surrounding him on the hard bed, and turned to his master.
"Zoroaster, I seek you out."
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