Question #6 Day of the Year
What is your favorite day of the year?
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What is your favorite day of the year?
asked by
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
My favorite day of the year is my birthday, and the week or so of days before it. It is the best because everyone is thinking about me, and talking about me, and giving me attention. They are also wondering what kind of gifts to get me, which is nice.
The best day of the year is probably Halloween because all of the girls get to dress like tramps and all the kids get to eat candy.
my birthday for all the reasons andy said. bithdays are a source of effortless attention. i like it when mine falls on a friday.
i almost said christmas, but then i realized i was programmed to always look forward to it, but it generally ends up being really anti-climactic.
i, also, am a big fan of andy's birthday. for some reason the sun shines brighter that day.
I like my bday best for different reasons. I get some strange pleasure out of going to work and not telling anyone what day it is. Invariably, someone asks a few weeks/months later I get to tell them they missed it. There is untold pleasure in seeing that folks cannot offer you cake or presents.
I prefer the company of good friends over presents. My immediate family and I gave up giving each other gifts for bdays ad xmas. Freedom!!
Hands down, Hallowe'en is the best day of the year.
I like Thanksgiving because it is a day that I can be with friends and family without pressure to come up with the best gift. It also can mean great food!
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