Monday, March 3, 2008

Question #241 Your Forte

What do you do best?


Joe said...

I am good at being a programmer. Note that this doesn't mean that the thing I am best at is programming but that the job of being a programmer suits me well. I am good at following infrastructures, creating infrastructures, figuring out how things work, and working hard to get things done, and getting along with the odd personalities/egos in the programming field.

The sad thing is that I am good at almost nothing else so when programming goes the way of the metalsmith I am going to be fucked.

Anonymous said...

talk shit.

viktor said...

i'll have to say i have some talent in the science area as well as the music areas. i do both jobs well but not to the level of a savant. the only thing i am truly a master of is drinking booze. if i could get paid to get drunk, i'd be rich!

Anonymous said...

Knit. And possibly crochet, anything that I'm making something.

TLR said...

Having a good time. I would say that is my greatest talent, I can turn just about any situation into a good time if given a chance. People 90% of the time have a good time in my presence as well.

lukejanela said...

I play an instrument. I am glad that I stuck with the technical side of things.

Because: I liked music, and could have been like... "I am so naturally talented, you can't even understand".

But when I followed through with actually learning to play, I feel like I learned a lot about patience, diligence, self-discipline et cetera.

And I am also able to write on blogs that it is something I do well.

Jake said...

So far, all I can come up with is my excellence in disagreeing with Phil.

Nate Geniella said...

duuude i don't know guys...

Uhm, i am good at physics and such cuz thats like my degree but i feel like thats not what i am best at...

I am good at problem solving and dealing with groups of people while problem solving and such...

haywire said...

I excel at business school. It confuses a lot of my professors and classmates because I have visible tattoos, I swear a lot, I don't shave, and generally have a "'fuck you' attitude" (direct quote). However, on a consistent basis I academically smash heads on the rest of the student body.

Tiffany! said...

I am not gonna be prideful; I am 100% Jill of All Trades, Master of none.
I'm really good at so much stuff it would make your head spin, but just not professional at anything.
I tried to think of ONE thing that perhaps I best people at, even in the small scope of say AVSQ answerers, and honestly I can't think of one. I may be slightly better at talking Literature, Beer, or Culinary Arts than some, but honestly, apart from events that involve swinging a hammer or painting pretty pics, I admit that you would all probably best me, with ease.

beth said...

I am superbly talented in some fields that are productive and some things that are not. Such as: procrastinating, multi-tasking, making a mess, getting babies to stop crying.

But I think my forte would have to be friendly chatter. And it usually sends the wrong signal. (Signals like: "I am interested in talking to you beyond this small, obligatory exchange; let's get dinner or drinks sometime.")

Anonymous said...

I am good at being very, very patient with people; I am good at listening, especially if I disagree or have heard it a million times already; I am good with people (I get along with anyone); I am good at forgiving others. You made a mistake or crossed me? No problem. We are all God's children...