Friday, December 7, 2007

Question #184 At The Party

Ariel can't post a question from her Blackberry and asked me to post this on her behalf:

Every party has a regular cast of characters; the guy who takes his shirt off, the girl who ends up crying, the wallflower, the girl who is always cleaning even though she is not actually hosting, the guy who hits on every girl, the silent judge in the corner, etc.

Who are you at the party?


Anonymous said...

The drunkard.

JennGerVitis said...

I am the silent judge. Sometimes I try to be others but it doesn't work out for me. Sooner or later I find myself in the corner talking shit.

philip said...

I am the guy with a lampshade on his head.

Anonymous said...

I'm the fake-hostess. The person mostly in the kitchen chatting and making sure people find drinks okay, and occasionally doing the rounds talking to people (or rather just collecting bottles for recycling).

Jake said...

I'm the guy in the kitchen, insulated by a handful of his close friends as they laugh amongst themselves.

Nate Geniella said...

I can't really say what i am....

I'm like this dude who likes to get really drunk, start shit, but also have a good time...

Usually i try and be the center of attention too....

maybe i am just the obnoxious dude?

marky said...

dude covered in beer trying to get all the babes to kiss him on the cheek.

viktor said...

the rapist. ahem, i mean therapist, i always get stuck with the person who is always blabbing their life story because they only get drunk once a year.

Joe said...

I am with Jake in the kitchen, talking only to the people I came to the party with, occasionally talking to strangers but usually in a half-sneering, half-ironic yet also half-friendly way.

The subtext when talking to strangers is usually: "Hey friends in the kitchen, check out this guy/girl I am talking to. LOL nice shoes/face/personality/life goals/hat/etc."

sarah nevada said...

I'm usually the one wearing the beer helmet at the beer pong table, while holding the beer bong up for tomo ( i know i know, it's a lot of beer). Normally I like to wear a plastic bib with a big lobster on it.
but since it's winter i will wear a fleece lined, water proof poncho instead.

Anonymous said...

I involuntarily switch up my role at parties.
Sometimes I'm trying to fist fight.
Sometimes I'm running around trying to prevent them.
Sometimes I'm crying.
Sometimes I'm frenching.
Usually I'm talking some sort of shit.
Usually I think I'm funnier than I actually am.
Once in a blue moon I do it in a tree house.
The only thing that is guaranteed, is that I am doing these things too loudly.

Anonymous said...

Just remembered the other role I have at parties... I'm the person who drunkenly abuses people for their taste in beer (or lack there of), and if you are drinking a tasteless beer that is hipster-approved, chances are that I'm going to judge you even more harshly.
But normally I'm kind of a nice girl

Unknown said...

In the kitchen with Joe/Jake/etc, but probably the loudest as well. I have a direct correlation between booze intake and volume.

Dirty Dan Sin said...

Fun guy until the shots happen. Then I am slapping folks until i get socked in the mouth.

I am the guy at the party that deep down inside hates parties.

Unknown said...

i'm the girl trying to get a dance party started. if there's already one in progress, i'm trying to make it into a break-dancing/dance-off circle; mainly, so i can dance in the middle.

Anonymous said...

I'm always the loud one. I think anyone that has partied with me can vouch for that one.

feverishpoptart said...

I'm usually really shy, but I turn into drunk obnoxious girl after a few drinks. In my head I believe I am completely charming and adorable but we all know this is never the case.

Anonymous said...

I am the girl that the murderer/rapist/strangler is talking too-
Though usually I try to hide and stay near people I already know.

Anonymous said...

geesh. "to"
Sorry, writing two major final papers. The brain is full of sand.

tomotron said...

I think I am the obnoxious drunk who cackles. ugh