Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Question #129 Your Nickname

Everyone knows that you can't give yourself a nickname. But let's suppose that this rule was revoked and you were able to name yourself. How would you introduce yourself?


philip said...

"I'm Phil Green, but they call me 'lights, camera, action'"

tomotron said...

"The Beast"

...and I would never introduce myself, I would have a friend say "Oh that's Tomo aka 'The Beast'".

Phoebe said...

It'd be something like "The Problem Solver," only snappier. Maybe "The Wizard?" Something that suggests I do amazing things, always perfectly in control and can handle any situation.

I don't know. I'm bad with nicknames, which is probably why mine is "Beaver."

TLR said...

Phil, do you have explicit reasons why?

Anonymous said...

Your excellency.

Jake said...

That's a wierd nickname, Thadd. Kinda long.

My name's Jake, but they call me the Silver Fox.

ariel said...

I have like 17 nicknames...in fact people rarely call me Ariel.

Instead of a personal nickname, I think I would like to be a part of an international secret/exclusive group with cool nickname. For example: in Harry Potter, the people who work in the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry of Magic are called "the unspeakables" by the public because no one knows what they do and it is taboo to ask anyone.

Yeah, being an Unspeakable (or something like that) would be cool; it would make me seem very intimidating. Its better than Kitten, which is what everyone calls me at work.

ariel said...

oh, and Tomo, we do call you "The Beast". Pick something else.

Anonymous said...

everyone knows me as manbat and a few people know me as jon butwhat would be really really really weird is if people started calling me my full name of jonathon cuz i dont think ive ever ever been called that even when in trouble as a kid its weird....hi im jonathon

Dirty Dan Sin said...

well, seeing as how I am using a nickname given to myself, by myself and for myself...I'll go with Eric.

mike o said...

I was givin a nick-name by elliot dille. which in the day when he called me this i couldnt stand the little shit. but i embraced it and now trying to purchase domain name and trademark. mikeeyo... my name is mike eric o.... so mike e o really fit. now its my email adresses and any login i ever use. the crappies used to call me 2304.. that was my pager no. in the day. if i were to nick name my self had i never met elliot... thunder chicken

viktor said...

grand wizard? is that one taken? if so i'll have to go with "not that asshole again."

ihatepeter said...

I would like a monarch nickname - a "the something." Like "Ihatepeter the Terrible" or "Ihatepeter the Unready." Or "Ihatepeter the first." Something like that.