Thursday, August 9, 2007

Question #100 Fantasy Mount Rushmore

Say you got to re-make Mount Rushmore; whose face(s) would you put there?


philip said...

Richard Pryor, Chevy Chase, Dan Ackroyd and Eddie Murphy.

sarah nevada said...

John McClane, David Addison, Hudson Hawk and Korben Dallas

pete g said...

TR, Steve Buscemi, Cobra Commander, General Zod

Anonymous said...

jerry orbach, christopher meloni, sam waterston and another law & order character to be determined (toss up between chris noth and vincent d'onofrio)

pete g said...

TR, Chuck Yeager, Jaques-Yves Cousteau, and Sam Elliot

Phoebe said...

TR, Orson Welles, Joseph Pilates and Stevie Wonder.

Phoebe said...

Oh, I get one more: Karen O.

ariel said...

This is such a good question!

Jon Stewart, Neville Longbottom, Artemis (the godess one), and Teddy Roosevelt would stay; because it takes more than one bullet to kill a bull moose.

Anonymous said...

Ditto what Sarah said.

pete g said...

Ok, one more crack at this because I can't help myself:

*Patrick Stewart
*Admiral Ackbar
*Captain Gloval

pete g said...

BTW, Happy 100. Nice work

unsolved mysteries said...

tony gwynn, a trad box of popcorn, too short and me aka "the truth" aka "mr. classy" aka " mt. everest."

Anonymous said...

Thurgood Marshall
Eleanor Roosevelt
Ralph Nader
John Lennon

Sarah said...

Keith Sweat
Al B. Sure
Mary J. Blige

Dirty Dan Sin said...

mike watt, nikos kazantzakis, crazy horse, steve martin.

Anonymous said...

get out of my head amy

amy simmer said...
jerry orbach, christopher meloni, sam waterston and another law & order character to be determined (toss up between chris noth and vincent d'onofrio)

I've been trying to get an artistically blessed friend of mine to put together this idea so I can make a tshirt for myself (and I'm using Goren not Logan)

marky said...