Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Questions #54 Sand

What would it take to get you to eat sand?


Anonymous said...

a quick google search uncovers this tidbit: "Since eating a mouthful of sand usually won't hurt anyone, it is best not to overreact by limiting sand play.".

whew! in this case, it would take $150 for me to eat a mouthful of sand. the monetary payoff would have to go up exponentially with each additional mouthful, though, and i wouldn't feel at all comfortable with taking in more than 1/2 cup, without assurance that i wouldn't be grounding up my insides.


i would eat a mouthfull of sand from your buttcrack after sitting on a mexican beach for two carne tacos and a lapdance at junior's.

viktor said...

i eat sand for a beer. fuck, i'll probably eat anything for a beer.

Phoebe said...

I would only require a box of saltine crackers to wash it down with.

tariann said...

a beach picnic

Anonymous said...

ketchup is all it would take

Anonymous said...

Like $5.